


V. Shevtsov
All-Russian Research Institute on Forage Production named after V.R. Vil’yams of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Russia, Moscow Region, Lobnya city, Scientific city, build. 1

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Summary. Using the meadows technology results in significant damage to the sod and decrease of grass yields that demands the development of agricultural techniques to reduce specific pressure, selection of resistant varieties of grasses, adding large doses of mineral fertilizers, heavy soil-packing to reduce the negative impact of technical digression on seeded perennial grasslands. Researches were conducted in 1986-2001 on mineral and peat soils in the Moscow region. It was found that the drained fen peat bogs with lightly decayed peat to prevent early (after 3…4 years) degradation of seeded herbage, increasing their productivity (up to 5,1…6,7 thousand of fodder units-ha), longevity and preservation of high quality feed along with a reduction of the burden of running systems engineering on turf, it is necessary to create grasslands, resistant to technical digressions, through the use of technologies, including environmental soil management methods, and the types of rules of seeding grasses and doses of nitric fertilizers, creating strong sod. While creating a long-term (5…7 years) multi cut (2…3 mowing) cereal agrocenoses with productivity of 5,6…6,3 kg fodder units-ha or 80,2…87,2 Gj exchange energy, it is necessary to implement N180P60K120 with pressure of machine on the turf of 180 kPacmІ and sowing crop mixtures with reed canary grass (6...12 kg-ha). While creating short-term multi cut grasslands used technologies, including deep (30...35 cm) soil milling by machine MTP – 42A with sowing of grass mixture of smooth brome (6 kg-ha) , timothy grass (4,5 kg-ha) and meadow fescue (6 kg-ha) , as well as chemical treatment – spraying degenerated grassland by herbicide Roundup (6 l-ha ) followed by small (12...15 cm) milling FBN – 1, 5.

Keywords: grasslands, hay-lands and pastures, technical degression, yielding of grass stand, ground pressure.