


L.G. Vil1, V.I. Raitskaya1, M.M. Nikitina1, B.O. Inerbaev1, V.A. Andrianovsky2
1Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia, Sadovaya str., 5, v. Zelionoye, Ust-Abakan’s District, Republic of Khakassia, 655132, Russia
2Co.Ltd «Andrianovsky», Komsomolskaya str., 25, v. Saragash, Bogradsky District, Republic of Khakassia, 655352, Russia

E-mail: savostyanov17@yаndex.ru

Summary. Since 2005 the scientists of Research Institute of Agricultural Problems of Khakassia developed a new type of Hereford cattle, which differs from the basic breed in the intensity of growth, ability for storage energy of growth for a long time without overfatness of carcasses, adapted to year-round pasture management, producing high quality and environmentally friendly beef. The sires for the completing of the herd were selected from the best animals of own reproduction, the breeding stock was selected from cows of stud lines and related groups of OOO Andrianovsky. The population of beef cattle in the republic is 33 thousand head, including 2830 head of new type. Live weight of sires of the new type is 750…1100 kg, of cows – 577…654 kg. The cows are characterized by good reproductive qualities: the period from calving to the first tupping is 59.1 days, the period from the first heat to productive insemination is 25 days, the service-period is 84.1 days, the insemination index is 1.42, the period between calvings is 393 days, the index of reproductive ability is 1.6, the practical output of calves is 92 %, the age of first calving is 25 months. Hereford steers of new type at the age of 18 months surpass the basic animals in the live weight by 5 %, in the carcass weight by 10 %, in the slaughter weight by 9.3 %, in the meatiness coefficient by 0.5 kg. The use of Hereford type «Andrianovsky» contributes to the increase in the profitability of beef cattle industry in the arid zone.

Keywords: breeding, breed, type, line, family, live weight, average daily gain, meat productivity.

Author Details: L.G. Vil, Researcher (e-mail: savostyanov17@yаndex.ru); V.I. Raitskaya, Cand. Sc. (Vet.), Head of Group; M.M. Nikitina, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Head of Division; B.O. Inerbaev, Dr. Sc. (Agr.), Senior Researcher; V.A. Andrianovsky, General Director.

For citation: Vil L.G., Raitskaya V.I., Nikitina M.M., Inerbaev B.O., Andrianovsky V.A. New breeding achievement – Andrianovsky type of hereford cattle. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. T.29. №3. pp. 46-47 (In Russ)