


A.A. Garkusha, E.G. Deryanova
Altai Research Institute of Agriculture, Nauchniy gorodok, 35, Barnaul, 656910, Russia

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Summary. The article presents the results of ten-year investigations, which illustrate the influence of preceding crops and tillage methods on the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen in the soil under conditions of forest-steppe zone of Altai Territory. Researches were carried out in a grain-fallow crop rotation (bare fallow – wheat – oats – wheat – pea – wheat) and wheat monoculture. The experiment included three tillage methods: deep tillage at 25…27 cm, shallow tillage at 14…16 cm and surface cultivation at 6…8 cm; and two variants of fertilizer application were tested: the control variant (without fertilizers) and N60P25 (N60 was applied before the sowing and P25 was applied during the sowing in rows). Before sowing of spring wheat in 1-meter layer of soil it was accumulated 165…225 kg/ha of nitrate nitrogen in fallow field, 90…146 kg/ha – after pea cultivation, 76…92 kg/ha – after oats growing and 52…78 kg/ha in the case of wheat monoculture; the maximal values were obtained in the variants with deep autumn tillage. The deepening of tillage enhanced the mineralization of organic nitrogen; however, the conditions were created for its washing in the lower layers of the soil profile. The efficiency of application of N60 before the sowing of spring wheat is substantially dependent on the studied factors. With monoculture of spring wheat the highest yield and recoupment of fertilizers by grain are obtained against the background of deep subsurface cultivation; it is 1.76 t/ha and 3.9 kg of grain per 1 kg of fertilizers, respectively, and the increase in the yield is 0.33 t/ha or 23 %. At cultivation of the culture in the crop rotation, the application of nitrogen after oats is the most effective: the increase in the yield is 0.33…0.39 t/ha or 17…22 %, the recoupment of fertilizers is 3.9…4.6 kg of grain per 1 kg of an active substance. As the fallow and pea are preceding crops, after which the soil is more provided with moisture and nitrogen, the crop response on the application of fertilizers is not so high; increase in the yield on average is 0.23 t/ha or 9…11 %, the recoupment of fertilizers is 2.7 kg/kg.

Keywords: tillage, preceding crop, fertilizers, nitrate nitrogen, spring wheat.

Author Details: A.A. Garcusha, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); E.G. Deryanova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Senior Researcher.

For citation: Garkusha A.A., Deryanova E.G. Reserves of nitrate nitrogen in soil and efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers for spring wheat under conditions of forest-steppe of Altai territory. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V.29. №6. pp. 8-10 (In Russ)