


L.S. Kurkina, G.Y. Stetsov, G.G. Sadovnikov, S.A. Peshkov
Altai Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Nauchny gorodok, 35, Barnaul, 656910, Russia

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Summary. The investigations were conducted to specify the optimal sowing date for winter wheat, which enables to avoid high infestation by viruses, the carriers of which are cereal leafhoppers. Field experiments were conducted in 2011-2014 at the experimental field of Altai Research Institute of Agriculture. Winter wheat was sown on 5 dates with the interval of 5 days, starting from August, 25. The degree of plant injury by viruses changed depending on the sowing date of the crop and the number of leafhoppers. The plants, sown earlier, were stronger damaged: 58.8 and 7.7 % in 2012 and 2014 with sowing on August 25, 14.9 % – with sowing on September 5, 2013. On shoots of winter wheat, which were sown in these dates, the highest number of leafhopperswas fixed; it reached 80 pcs/m2 in 2011, 36 pcs/m2 in 2012, 30 pcs/m2 in 2013. The minimal injury of the culture was registered with sowing on September, 15; it was on the average 5.7 % over three years. As a result of damage by virus the diseased plants of winter wheat significantly lagged in the growth and formed underdeveloped ears at the end of the growing season. The height of diseased plants was 2 times less than that of healthy ones, than the height of healthy plants, the number of grains in an ear reduced 6 times, the thousand grain weight was less by 9 g. The grain from diseased plants was feeble and small, it was not suitable for seed purposes. To reduce the harmfulness of viruses with high numbers of leafhoppers (80 pcs/m2 and more) it is recommended the sowing of winter wheat at a later date. As a result of three-year research the sowing on September 5 enabled to reduce the harmfulness of viruses by 13.4 % in comparison with August 25. It contributed to obtaining of reliable yield increase, which was 0.64 t/ha in 2013 and 0.21 t/ha in 2014.

Keywords: winter wheat, sowing date, cereal leafhoppers, viruses, harmfulness.

Author Details: L.S. Kurkina, Researcher (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); G.Y. Stetsov, Dr. Sc. (Agr.), Leading Researcher; G.G. Sadovnikov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Head of Laboratory; S.A. Peshkov, Junior Researcher.

For citation: Kurkina L.S., Stetsov G.Y., Sadovnikov G.G., Peshkov S.A. Influence of sowing date on harmfulness of leafhoppers-carriers of viruses and productivity of winter wheat in ob region of Altai krai // Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V. 29. № 6. pp. 59-61 (In Russ)