T.D. Babushkina, A.A. Yaroslavtsev
Northern Trans-Urals Research Institute of Agriculture, ul. Burlaki, 2, pos. Moskovsky, Tyumensky r-n, Tyumenskaya obl., 625501, Russian Federation
E-mail: babushkina_45@mail.ru
Summary. The information on morphological characteristics and economic and biological features of the new varieties of seed peas Tyumen stern, his studies in competitive strain testing in the Research Institute for Agriculture and strain-testing station the country. The variety was created in the Research Institute of Agriculture of Northern Trans-Ural Region individual selection of hybrid population F3Kemchug x Aksai mustached 5 and 2014 included in the State Register of selection achievements for the cultivation of the West-Siberian and Volga-Vyatka region of the Russian Federation. The morphological features Tyumen forage peas refers to conventional varieties leafy morphotype, but differs resistance to husking grain. The variety is middle-ripening simultaneously with a regionalised field pea Nikolka, but 1-4 days later than the Omsk 9. During the cleaning for feeding purposes is relatively resistant to lodging. Peas Tyumen stern relatively resistant to drought and highly responsive to summer precipitation. Average productivity in the CVT for 2010-2014. obtained at the level of 3.48 t / ha, 0.13 and 0.33 t / ha higher than the control varieties. The maximum crop yield the variety obtained by in the Agricultural Research Institute in 2013 (4.40 t / ha) and state strain-testing station of Novosibirsk region (4.46 t / ha) in 2010. On a dry matter of green mass standards it exceeds 9.1 and 23.7% in the phase of the spatula and 13.7 and 19.1% in the cleaning phase at fodder-grain crops. Gross harvest protein pea Tyumen fodder for 2010-2014. was 1.20 t / ha in the phase of the spatula, and 1.85 t / ha in the lower phase yellowing of beans, higher Nikolka Omsk 9 and 15.4, 27.7 and 16.4%, respectively, 26.7. The productivity of arable land occupied by the new varieties more effectively control grades of 6.4 and 34.9% for feed and by 8.3 and 35.0% in energy units.
Keywords: peas, grade, protein, dry matter, protein gathering.
Author Details: T.D. Babushkina, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow (e-mail: babushkina_45@mail.ru); A.A. Yaroslavtsev, chief research fellow.
For citation: Babushkina T.D., Yaroslavtsev A.A. The new varieties peas Tyumen stern improve the quality of fodder and the economics of production. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V.29. No10. pp. 72-74 (In Russ)