


V.V. Navalnev, I.E. Soldat, T.V. Pasmenko
Belgorod Research Institute of Agriculture, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, 58, Belgorod, 308001

Summary. Within the framework of the program of import substitution in 2013-2015 we assessed domestic varieties and hybrids of sunflower, bred in the V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops, in order to transfer them in the state variety testing in FGBNU “Belgorod Research Agricultural Institute”. In the experiment we studied 22 sunflower varieties and hybrids with different periods of vegetation and reaction to the environmental conditions. The soil of the test plot was ordinary chernozem, medium thick, medium humic, heavy loamy. The thickness of the humus layer was 64 cm. The content of humus in the upper layer (0-20 cm) was 6.6 %, of P2O5 and K2O (according to Chirikov) – 7.1 and 18.7 mg/100 g; total exchangeable bases was 41 mg-eq/100 g; pH was 6.9. The area of plot was 21.0 m2, the discount area was 9.8 m2, the replication was triple. During the investigation phonological and biometric observations were carried out, as well as plant density was determined. Among the tested hybrids VK 680 x SL81351 and Don 931/2 with higher oil output (1.55 and 1.25 t/ha) and high productivity (3.26 and 2.70 t/ha) are the most promising. They are characterized by the greatest duration of the period ‘shoots – flowering’ (61-62 days), and, at the same time, by the average duration of the vegetation period (115 days). Such combination of biological peculiarities enables these hybrids to use soil water by the most effective way during seed formation. The hybrids VKE680 x SL81351 and Don 931/2 can be recommended for the transfer to the state variety testing.

Keywords: varieties and hybrids of sunflower, agroecological assessment, yield, oil content, yield of oil.

Author Details: V.V. Navalnev, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), deputy director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); I.E. Soldat, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior research fellow; T.V. Pasmenko, senior research fellow.

For citation: Navalnev V.V., Soldat I.E., Pasmenko T.V. Agroecological Assessment of Promising Varieties and Hybrids of Sunflower. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2016. T. 30. №12. Рр. 31-32 (in Russ.).