


L.Yu. Ryzhikh1, M.Sh. Tagirov2, F.F. Zamalieva2, G.F. Koposov3
1Russian Agricultural Center of RT, ul. Daurskaya, 14, Kazan’, 420059, Russian Federation
2Tatarian Agricultural Research Institute, ul. Orenburgskii trakt, 48, Kazan’, 420059, Russian Federation
3Kazan Federal University, ul. Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan’, 420000, Russian Federation

Summary. The article presents the results of comparisons of tillage methods for gray forest soils in the Fore-Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan in the grain-grass part of crop rotation. The design of the experiment included variants with plowing, variable-depth cultivation, surface cultivation and without tillage. During the investigations we determined agro-physical properties of soil, the content of productive moisture, crop infestation, productivity and profitability of growing of grain crops. The application of different tillage ways provides the formation of the optimal density of the arable layer at the level of 1.29-1.34 g/cm3. The highest content of agronomical valuable structural aggregates in the arable layer of gray forest soil was registered with the variable-depth cultivation (69 %), the least one – without tillage (63 %). On average over three years the total reserves of productive moisture was 679 mm in the variant with plowing, which is more, than in the variants with surface cultivation and without tillage, by 38 and 78 mm, respectively. The maximum yield of spring barley (3.7 t/ha), green manure clover (14.2 t/ha), and winter wheat (3.1 t/ha) formed against the background of plowing. In the same variant it was noted the maximal level of profitability of cultivation of spring barley (105.5 %) and winter wheat (44.9 %). During the cultivation of spring barley, green manure clover and winter wheat on gray forest soils under conditions of the Fore-Kama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan it is rational to use plowing at the depth of 20-22 cm as the tillage method.

Keywords: tillage, soil density, structural-aggregate composition, available moisture, crop infestation, yield, profitability.

Author Details: L.Yu. Ryzhikh, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading agronomist (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); M.Sh. Tagirov, D. Sc. (Agr.), director; F.F. Zamalieva, D. Sc. (Agr.), director of the Center of plant protection, G.F. Koposov, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof.

For citation: Ryzhikh L.Yu., Tagirov M.Sh., Zamalieva F.F., Koposov G.F. Efficiency of Different Ways of Tillage of Gray Forest Soils. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2016. V.30. No. 12. Pp. 66-68 (in Russ.).