Rules for writing

Requirements to article layou for submission in the magazine «Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK»

Article volume – 9-12 p. of the computer text (for overviews – no more than 17 pages).

Requirements to text design – material for filing in the magazine should to be set up in a text editor Word, the version not lower than 2003, file name broadening *rtf or *doc, a font – Times New Roman, the font size – 14, an interval – 1,5, all margins – 2 cm

Article has to be structured and submitted as follows:

1. UDC (a code by Universal decimal classification) – in the top right corner on the first page

2. The title – should be made by page width, with capital letters, bold The title has to be short (8-10 words) and accurately to capture the work essence, to contain keywords and to draw attention of the reader as search queries on the Internet arrive first of all according article heading therefore its accurate wording increases probability of its reading and citation

3. Full name of the author(-s) with a science degree and official capacity (initials are specified before a surname)

The science degree is specified completely, without contractions – member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

For example: I.P. Ivanov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

The official capacity – Professor, Associate Professor, Post-graduate student etc. is specified completely, without contractions; the official capacity – Head of Laboratory, Sector Leader, Leading Researcher etc. is specified without heading of division (laboratory, sector, etc.)

For example: V.I. Belov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director

4. The name of establishment with the indication of the postal address (the street, a building, the city, an index, the country)

The name of educational institution isspecified completely, without contractions

For example: Smolensk State Agricultural Academy (the name of an organizational and legal form of institution – Federal State Budgetary Institution (FGBU), All-Russian Production Enterprise (VPO), State Scientific Institution (GNU) it isn't necessary to specify)

The name of research establishment is given with the full indication of a profile of scientific activity: Research Institute of a Grain Farming, All-Russian Research Institute of Flax (the name of an organizational and legal form of institution – Federal State Budgetary Institution (FGBU), All-Russian Production Enterprise (VPO), State Scientific Institution (GNU) it isn't necessary to specify)

For example: All-Russian Research Institute of Flax, Lunacharskiy str., 35, Tver, 172002, Russia

5. The e-mail address for contacts is only one

For example: E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

* If authors work in different establishments, it is necessary near author Full name and the name of establishment to put the corresponding indexes. You should not put them, if all co-authors are from the same establishment.

For example:

I.P. Ivanov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

V.A. Yur’eva2, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory

1All-Russian Research Institute on flax production, Lunacharskiy str., 35, Tver, 172002, Russia

2Smolensk State Agricultural Academy, Bolshaya Sovetskaya str., 10/2, Smolensk, 214000, Russia

6. The summary (it is typed in italics, the word "Summary" has to be typed with boldface, after the word "Summary" a dot is put)

The volume of the summary has to make 200 … 250 words.

The summary is considered not as the appendix to article, and as the independent completed material. You should not begin the summary with the heading of article. In the summary there shouldn't be general phrases, it is necessary to show the purpose of researches, to give original part of a technique with the description of conditions of carrying out experiences (the region, years, in plant growing – soil type, in animal husbandry – breeds and volume of selection), results (it is obligatory with quantitative data), to formulate conclusions. Thus, it is necessary to consider that the main summary objective is to show researches results with use of digital material, conditions and schemes of experiments in which they received were.

The contractives and notations entered into the summary have to be deciphered here. In the summary it is not necessary to give references and to discuss literary data.

7. Keywords (quantity of keywords – 5-7, they are typed with boldface, after then the two-spot is put)

After keywords to specify information "For citation", for example:

For citation: Belenkov A.I., Tyumakov A.Yu., Sabo Umar Magammed. Implementation of precision farming elements in the field experiment. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. No 3. pp. 42–49 (in Russ.).

8. The section "Introduction" (the word "Introduction" is not specified, the text begins with the first sentence)

The part has to contain short theoretical justification of carrying out research, present of an object of research and current state of the studied problem; demonstration of essentially important aspects remaining by unknown, and relevance of their research.

If researches were conducted for the purpose of further their results use in conditions of the concrete region, it needs to be noted in the goal (for example, "research of ways of increase of local organic fertilizers efficiency in the conditions of South Ural")

9. Section "Purpose of Researches"

After the part "Introduction" the research goal is specified. It has to be formulated briefly, is exact and is directed on clarification of relationships of cause and effect of the phenomena. The formulation of the purpose of researches should nott be substituted for the list of the used methods, the measured indicators and representation of the main result of researches. It is necessary to specify accurately for what researches were carried out.

10. Section "Conditions, Materials and Methods"

The section has to contain data:

– location of researches

– the period of carrying out researches (for field agronomical researches data have to be submitted for 3 vegetative seasons)

– soil climatic conditions of researches carrying out (for field and vegetative researches)

Soil conditions: type and mechanical structure of the soil, the main agrochemical indicators of the soil (the content of a humus and the basic nutritious elements – the general nitrogen, motile phosphorus, exchange potassium; acidity level; total exchangeable bases). After indicators of a humus content and the basic nutritious elements it is necessary to specify the name of techniques of their definition (by Tyurin, by Machigin, etc.) or numbers of the corresponding state standard specifications.

Climatic conditions: temperature condition, an amount of precipitation and a hydrothermal index in every year of researches carrying out (when possible, vegetation periodically). It is necessary to point to differences of the specified indicators from mean annual amount.

– the scheme(-s) of experience(-s): quantity of factors (one-factorial or multiple-factor experience); experience variants (to allocate control or standard option; quantitative and qualitative gradation of variants); frequency of experience(-s); method of variants placement (plots); total and registration plots area.

– for laboratory researches – information on analytical methods, the used equipment and reactants, etc.

All this information should be clarify rather fully for possibility of exact replication of experiments. If the non-standard and not often used methods were used, it is recommended to give a summary of their procedure and the principles.

At the end of the methodical section it is necessary to supply with the information on methods of statistical processing of the presented results (the scheme of the dispersive analysis (one - or multiple-factor experience, etc.), the name of the used programs of statistical data processing (Statistica, MatLab, Excel, Stata, etc.), the name of a technique – according to B.A. Dospekhov, etc.).

11. Section "Results and Discussion"

The statement of experimental material in part "Results" should not be as retelling of the tables and diagrammatic curveы contents but focus of readers attention on character and regularities of the presented results.

Problem of part "Discussion" – generalization and an explanation (interpretation) of results. It is recommended to discuss not only the separate gained effects, but also all their set in general, opening relationships of cause and effect between them. It is necessary to compare the received information with available one in literature and to give the treatment of an essence and the scientific importance of following from the presented materials conclusions.

Results have to be processed and estimated with application of statistical methods:

- if the technique of researches carrying out provides pair comparison of options, it is necessary to specify values of the least significant difference (LSD) in tables: for one-factorial experience – LSD for comparisons by options; for the multiple-factor – for comparison of particular distinctions and effects of factors interaction. Use in the text for the description of distinction between variants of the words "essential" and "significant " is allowed if only LSD index in the presence of table information is, thus the formulation "the most essential" and "the most significant " is not used; if the criterion of pair comparison of options wasn't calculated, allowed use of the formulation "considerable distinction"

- in tables inherent difference on a certain significance value should be signified: * – for 5% a significance value; ** – for 1% a significance value, *** – for 0,01%, etc.

Representation in the text of digital information also is not recommended. It can be received on the basis these tables, diagrams, pictures by simple arithmetic actions (addition, subtraction, etc.)

In the section you should not present and discuss information received by other researchers or according to experiences, which scheme and technique are not presented in the section of the article "Conditions, Materials and Methods".

12. Section "Conclusions"

Conclusions should be formulated on the basis of the received results and answer the questions formulated in the purpose of researches.

It is necessary to present conclusions with the obligatory confirming digital material on the basis of which they were received.

13. Section "References"

The list of references is provided in original language and typed under the heading "References" at the end of article. Sources in the references list have to be numbered not alphabetically, and as occurrence in the text.

Thus surnames of all authors and the full name of the citable work are specified. It is necessary to respect strictly accepted rules of arrangement of the bibliographic link according to State Standard GOST P 7.0.5-2008

Links to literature sources in the article text (for experimental works – no more than 20, for reviews – no more than 50) are given as occurrence in square brackets by figures in the increasing order through a comma – [1, 2, 5]; [1, 4] or through a hyphen if some consecutive sources are specified [1-3]; [1, 2, 5-8]. When citation several works in a row in one "block" of the link settle down in sequence according to the list of references.

It is necessary to put on 2-3 foreign sources from periodicals for the last 5-7 years.

The specifying in the references list of all works cited in article is obligate.

14. Translation into English

1. The title of article (it is typed on page width, capital letters, boldface)

2. Author(-s) full name(-s), for example – I.P. Ivanov, D.V. Dergeev, I.S. Ignat’eva

Authors full names are translated according to rules of a transliteration for articles

The name and the post address of the organization (it is typed by a boldface tracing, from the left margin)

The post address is specified according to the international rules: the street, a building, the city, an index, the country, for example – All-Russian Research Institute on flax production, Lunacharskiy str., 35, Tver, 171002, Russia

4. The translation of the text of "Summary" (the word is not translated as "Abstract"), it is typed by a boldface tracing)

5. The translation of "Keywords" (the word "Keywords" is typed by boldface a boldface tracing)

6. The list of thanks from the author(-s) – "Acknowledgement"

In this section it is necessary to express gratitude to the organizations, funds, etc. on which means researches were conducted or to individuals (organizations) which gave help in work performance. If work is performed within a grant, it is necessary to specify its output data (number, etc.)

For example:

- The authors thanks Ege University for their financial support of this research as a scientific research project (09-ZRF-031).

- The work was carried out with financial support from European Comminute. This project entitled "Implementation of Nitrates Directive in Russia" was implemented by Far East State University, led the consortium.

- Authors present great thanks to Department of Soil Management at Tyumen State University and to Prof. Ivan Sergeev for his priceless contributions to the paper.

7. Literature - "References"

Name-title reference in the magazine

Author(-s) full name (according to a transliteration for articles), the translation of the article title, the source title (according to a transliteration, it is typed italics)

For example:

Shindelov A.V., Korobova L.N., Tanatova A.V. Technological predisposition and environmental grounds of field units routing. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2014. No. 11, pp. 4–8 (In Russ)

Reference to the book:

Author(-s) full name (according to a transliteration for articles), the translation of the title, the source title (according to a transliteration, it is typed italics), the translation of the book title into English

The issue type – methodical, learning guide – is not specified

For example:

Dospekhov B.A. Metodika opytnogo dela [Methodic of Experimental Design]. Moscow: Kolos, 1985. 200 p.

Reference to the dissertation, author's abstract:

Author(-s) full name (according to a transliteration for articles), the translation of the title

For example:

Kiraev R.S. Weeds dissemination and crops yield in agrocenoses under intensification of some production factors. Cand. Diss. (Agricult. Sci.), Moscow, 2013 (in Russ.)

References to sources without authorship (standards, SN, Construction Norms and Regulations, resolutions, decrees):

Title translation, dateline

For example: Law No. 58-FZ on 27.05.2003 "About Governmental Service". Moscow, 2003 (In Russ)

References to electronic resources:

Title translation, dateline

For example: Simenova T., Stoicheva D., Alexandrova P. Ecological problems and nitrogen balance in vegetable crops growing. Available at: Accessed 23.10.2014.

4. Information about the authors – "Author Details"

Author Details: А.V. Shindelov, Сand.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); L.N. Korobova, Dr. Sc.(Biol.)

It is strongly forbidden to translate materials by means of online Internet translators (google.translate, etc.) as the translate content, in particular professional terms, very often does not correspond to the Russian variant.

Manuscripts should be submitted in printed form, in one copy in Russian complete with the order from all organizations in which work was carried out and with the act of an experts commission. All authors have to sign the last page.

It is necessary to submit the written permission from the management of the organization, on which means researches were carried out, for the publication of submitted materials.

Manuscript with all accompanying documents it is necessary to send only a simple parcel post or the letter to the address: 101000, Moscow, Moscow post office, p.o. box 166, Editorial Office of the Magazine “Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK”.

The full electronic article version (in one file with placement of tables and pictures right after a mention of them in the text) needs to be sent to the e-mail address: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..

Pages of the file have to have through numbering.

On the separate page of the file with the manuscript full names of all authors and their phones, e-mail addresses, with instructions of the author for correspond are entered completely. Questions and remarks to an article sent to that address from which it came to edition.

Editorial staff reserves the right not to consider articles issued with violation of points 1-14 "Requirements to publications".

The authors are held fully liable for the scientific contents and reliability of the data, used in the article, for copyright compliance of the third parties, and also for preservation of the state and trade secret.

Article structure


D.V. Dubovik, D.Yu. Vinogradov

All-Russia Research Institute of Soil Management and Soil Erosion Control, Karl Marx Str., 70 B, Kursk, 305021, Russia

Summary. ………………………………………………………………………

Keywords: ………………………………………………………………………



Author Details: D.V. Dubovik, Dr. Agr. Sci, Head of Group (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); D.Yu. Vinogradov, Post graduate student