


N.A. Surin, N.E. Lyakhova, S.A. Gerasimov, A.G. Lipshin
Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of Agriculture, prosp. Svobodny, 66, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation

Summary. The results of a complex assessment of 85 samples from the VIR world collection, carried out in 2012–2015, were analyzed. It was assessed separate elements of productivity, yield and degree of its variation (Cv, %), resistance to stress (Ymax - Ymin), ecological stability (St2) and plasticity (bi), relative stability of genotypes (Sgi), the general and specific adaptive ability (GAAi, SAAi), the breeding value of genotypes (BVGi). Samples Phoenix, Rupal, Nutans 302, Sv. 66905, Messina, Knyazhich, Xanadu, Ilek 16, M 1913/88 and Etienne with the complex of agronomically valuable characters were selected according to the stress resistance. The positive combination of the raised indicators of selection signs with the high breeding value of genotypes (BVGi is 248.8–346.7) predetermines prospects of using them in crossings with cultivars of local breeding during development of highly productive varieties with high level of adaptive properties. Such forms are Acha (Cv = 21.0 %, Ymax - Ymin = 197, St2 = 0.96, GAAi = 37.05, Sgi = 15.4, BVGi = 346.7, bi = 0.58), Knyazhich (GAAi = 45.05, BVGi = 286.9, bi = 0.99), Phoenix (St2 = 0.93, BVGi = 270.0, bi = 0.53), Ilek 16 (Cv = 20.9 %, Ymax - Ymin = 182, St2 = 0.96, Sgi = 13.9, BVGi = 327.8, bi = 0.67), M 1913/88 (GAAi = 68.80, BVGi = 304.7, bi = 0.96), Rupal (GAAi = 33.05, BVGi = 248.8, bi = 0.90) and Etienne (Cv = 25.9 %, St2 = 0.93, GAAi = 98.05, BVGi = 332.1, bi = 0.99). The hybrid fund created with their participation is characterized by a harmonious combination of indicators of productivity elements and high yield.

Keywords: barley, collection, complex assessment, productivity, variation, stress resistance, ecological plasticity and stability, breeding value of genotype.

Author Details: N.A. Surin, D. Sc. (Agr.), member of the RAS, chief research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.E. Lyakhova, leading research fellow; S.A. Gerasimov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; A.G. Lipshin, research fellow.

For citation: Surin N.A., Lyakhova N.E., Gerasimov S.A., Lipshin A.G. Integrated Assessment of Adaptive Ability of Barley Samples from VIR Collection under Conditions of Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2016. V.30. No. 6. Pp. 32-35 (in Russ.).