V.A. Domrachev, А.А. Kem, V.L. Miklashevich
Siberian Research Agricultural Institute, prosp. Koroleva, 26, Omsk, 644012, Russian Federation
Abstract. The increase in the production of vegetable fodder protein by expanding the crops of perennial grasses with a high protein content is one of the important ways to raise the productivity of livestock. However, this process is restrained by the deficit of seeds, the requirements for which is satisfied only by 50–70%. The use of serially produced seeders cannot provide the required norm of seeding, which leads to an over expenditure of expensive seeds, a thickening of crops and a decrease in seed yield. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the quality of the seed module with a pneumatic seeder based on the section of the SUPN-8 seeder on the crop of alfalfa with small seeding rates (2–4 kg/ha). To form a moderately thickened, wide-row (0.6 m) crop it should be 50–60 plants per 1 m2, or not less than 30 plants per one running meter. Such quantity of seeds was provided when using the developed sowing disk with the depression in the vacuum camera of 0.155 MPa and the frequency of rotation of 0.5 rpm. The number of plants per one running meter was from 28 to 33, an average quadratic deviation was ±12 mm and the coefficient of variation was 52.1% that satisfied agricultural requirements. The full emergence of alfalfa seedlings was observed on the 12th day. The use of the pneumatic sowing device made it possible to reduce the seeding rate of scarce seeds two times when performing a wide-seed sowing, in comparison with the serial seeder SZT-3.6.
Keywords: seeder, seeds, crop, pneumatic sowing device, sowing disk, cell, vacuum, vacuum camera, small-seeded crops.
Author Details: V.A. Domrachev, corresponding member of the RAS, chief research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); А.А. Kem, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), head of division; V.L. Miklashevich, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), leading research fellow.
For citation: Domrachev V.A., Kem А.А., Miklashevich V.L. Sowing Device for Crops with Small Seeds. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 9. Pp. 76-77 (in Russ.).