


O.V. Shelepova1, V.V. Kondrat’eva1, I.N. Kalembet2, T.V. Voronkova1, M.V. Semenova1, O.O. Beloshapkina3, L.G, Seraya2
1N.V.Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Science, ul. Botanicheskaya 4, Moscow, 127276, Russian Federation
2All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, ul. Institute, 5, r.p. Bol`shie Vyazemy, Odintsovskii r-n, Moscowskaya obl., 143050, Russian Federation
3Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, ul. Timiryazevskaya 49, Moscow, 127550, Russian Federation

Abstract. It was studied the possibility and prospects of use of narrow-band LEDs as light sources for forcing tulips ‘Strong Gold’. Light sources were LEDs with a narrow range of red short-wave (70%) and blue (30%) spectra (variant I); blue (25%), red (59%), infrared (8%) and ultraviolet (8%) spectra (variant II); daylight with preplant treatment of bulbs with Maxim fungicide (fludioxonil, 25 g/L) (variant III); the control – daylight (variant IV). The analysis of morphophysiological reactions of tulip plants under conditions of different illumination regimes was carried out. It was found that the narrow-band spectrum of photosynthetically active radiation affected biometric parameters. During the period of collection of the finished products, the plants of variants I and II outgrew the control plants and plants of variant III: the leaves were larger by 17–32% and 3–25%, respectively; the length of the generative shoot of plants was longer by 15–20 cm than in the control ones. At the same time they were not stretched and did not bend, they had a strong flower stalk. The buds of plants were noticeably larger and they were colored compared to the plants in the control and variant III. According to the results of the evaluation of the finished products, only single infected plants were registered; no significant differences were found between the variants of the experiment. The organization of the photoculture of tulip forcing with the use of LEDs accelerated the growth and development of plants in a greenhouse and made it possible to obtain high-quality flower products faster. At the same time, the use of LEDs did not affect the development of fungal infection in generative shoots of tulips.

Keywords: tulip; forcing of plants; morphometric characteristics; LED lamps.

Author Details: O.V. Shelepova, Cand. Sc. (boil.), senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V.V. Kondrat’eva, Cand. Sc. (boil.), senior research fellow; I.N. Kalembet, junior research fellow; T.V. Voronkova, Cand. Sc. (boil.), senior research fellow; M.V. Semenova, Cand. Sc. (boil.), senior research fellow; O.O. Beloshapkina, D. Sc. (Agr.), professor; L.G, Seraya, Cand. Sc. (boil.), head of division.

For citation: Shelepova O.V., Kondrat’eva V.V., Kalembet I.N., Voronkova T.V., Semenova M.V., Beloshapkina O.O., Seraya L.G. Use of Narrow-Band Spectrum of Photosynthetically Active Radiation for Tulip Forcing and Their Protection from Diseases. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2018. Vol. 32. No. 9. Pp. 70–73 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24411/0235-2451-2018-10916.