
Potato Breeding for Suitability to Processing


N. A. Lapshinov1,2, A. N. Gantimurova1,2, V. I. Kulikova1
1Kemerovo Research Agricultural Institute, the branch of the Siberian Federal Research Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the RAS, ul. Tsentral’naya, 47, pos.Novostroika, Kemerovskii r-n, Kemerovskaya obl., 650510, Russian Federation
2Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, ul. Markovtseva, 5, Kemerovo, 650056, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the results of research work on the technological and culinary evaluation of potato varieties and hybrids. The experiments were carried out in the Kemerovo Research Institute of Agriculture, the branch of the Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agrobiotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2015–2016. The objects of research were 8 varieties and 28 hybrids of potato, developed in the branch. Lubava (early ripeness group), Nevsky (middle-early ripeness group), Tuleevsky (mid-season ripeness group) varieties were used as the standards. Favourable conditions on moisture supply were noted in the years of research during the formation of stolons and tuberization. Potato hybrids 5-20s-12 and 111-13 (middle-early), as well as 9-14-12 and 81-13 (early), are suitable for processing for starch according to the complex of parameters: the shape of tubers is 1–3 points, the depth of eyes is 1–5 points, the starch content is 18.45–19.65%, a size of starch grains is 51.81–67.76%. High-yielding hybrids 1-5-12, 81-13, 9-14-12 with the yield of 528–623 g/plant (the yield of Lubava standard is 431 g/plant), with the optimum dry matter content in tubers of 23.81–24.91% and yellow colour of chips from 7.5 to 9.0 points are the most valuable for processing. It is 4 types of potato according to the qualitative parameters of boiled tubers. Type A (salad) includes 27-7s-11, 5-20s-12, 1-5-12, 3-11-11 hybrids. Type B (universal, for salad, mashed potatoes, French fries) includes Lyubava, Nevsky, Mariinsky, Kemerovchanin varieties, 9-20s-12, 9-14-12, 141-13 hybrids. Type C (mealy, suitable for mashed potatoes, baking) includes Nakra variety, 111-13 hybrid. Type D (very mealy, suitable for coarse mashed potatoes, baking) includes 22103-10,175-10, 6-14-11 hybrids. Hybrid 12-7s-11 relates to the intermediate type AB (for baking and cooking salads); Kuznechanka, Tuleevsky varieties and 15-13s-11, 81-13, 161-13, 84-13, 3-21s-11 hybrids relates to the type BC (for cooking mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes and baking).

Keywords: potato; variety; hybrid; suitability for processing; potato products.

Author Details: N. A. Lapshinov, D. Sc. (Agr.), director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); A. N. Gantimurova, research fellow, рost graduate student; V. I. Kulikova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow.

For citation: Lapshinov N. A., Gantimurova A. N., Kulikova V. I. Potato Breeding for Suitability to Processing. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2019. Vol. 33. No. 1. Pp. 23–26 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24411/0235-2451-2019-10105.