
Morphometric variability of Acer platanoides L. samaras


T. N. Kapko, N. N. Likhenko, A. P. Chudnaya
Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding, branch of the “Federal Research Center the Institution of Cytology and Genetics”, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. S-100, zd. 21, a/ya 375, pos. Krasnoobsk, Novosibirskii r-n, Novosibirskaya obl., 630501, Russian Federation

Abstract. The study was conducted in 2018–2019 in the arboretum located in the Novosibirsk region. The purpose was to study the morphometric variability of the parameters of Acer platanoides L. fruits and to determine the ability of the plant to reproduce seeds naturally. The experiment was conducted on 3 trees at the generative stage of development. Nature and variation degree of signs were assessed within the tree. From each tree, we took 15 fruitlets 4 times using the method of model branches. The level of variation in the weight of a fruitlet and seed was low and medium – from 8.36% to 14.55% and from 9.79% to 13.52%, respectively; the level of variation in the wing weight was medium and increased (from 18.01% to 26.45%). The largest average fruitlet weight was 0.14 g; the largest average seed weight was 0.11 g; the largest average wing weight was 0.03 g. The largest seed length was 1.27 cm; wing length was 4.08 cm; the height of the upper wing was 2.11 cm; wing area was 5.42 cm2; wing width was 1.63 cm; seed width was 1.10 cm. A close positive correlation was established between wing area and seed width (r = 0.74), wing area and seed length (r = 0.76), wing area and wing width (r = 0.76), and also between seed weight and fruitlet weight (r = 0.94). Acer platanoides L. in the Novosibirsk region forms samaras with full-fledged seeds similar in morphological characteristics to seeds that formed under other climatic conditions. Acer platanoides L. plants are capable of restoration by seeds and the formation of life-resistant self-seeding of different ages.

Keywords: Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.); seed; samara; morphometric characters.

Author Details: T. N. Kapko, junior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N. N. Likhenko, Сand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; A. P. Chudnaya, agronomist.

For citation: Kapko TN, Likhenko NN, Chudnaya AP. [Morphometric variability of Acer platanoides L. samaras. 2020;34(4):50-4. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-10410.