
Wheat grain quality of depending on the forecrop, tillage method, fertilizers, and plant protection means in the forest-steppe in the south of Western Siberia


S. V. Usenko, V. I. Usenko, A. A. Garkusha, N. V. Barysheva
Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies, Nauchnyi gorodok, 35, Barnaul, 656910, Russian Federation

Abstract. Abstract. The purpose of the research was to study the influence of forecrop, tillage method, fertilizers, and pesticides on the quality of spring common wheat grain. The work was performed in the Altai Territory in 2011–2019 as a three-factor experiment with the following options: forecrop (A) – fallow (rapeseed for no-till), oats, pea, wheat as a monocrop; tillage method (B) – deep cultivation, shallow flat-cut cultivation, no-till; the level of chemicalization (C) – without chemicals, pesticides, N40P25, N40P25 + pesticides. The variety used in the experiment was mid-ripening Altayskaya 100 (since 2016, Altayskaya 530). The studies were conducted in the crop rotation of fallow (rapeseed for no-till), wheat, oats, wheat, pea, wheat and wheat in permanent cultivation. The soil was leached medium loamy chernozem; the humus content was 3.8%; the contents of mobile phosphorus and potassium (according to Chirikov’s method) were 200 mg/kg and 180 mg/kg, respectively. The grain size and unit were influenced by the chemicalization agents (the contribution was 54.0–64.0%) and their interaction with the forecrop (15.6–26.2%); the vitreousness was affected by the forecrop (54.0%) and intensification means (23.7%). In dry years, wheat forms grains with a high protein (11.9–14.1%) and gluten (28.2–33.3%) content. In wet years, it decreased to 11.0–12.3% in the case of cultivation after fallow and pea and to 9.6–11.1% – after oats and in monoculture, as well as to 11.7–12.6% and 9.4–10.5% against intense and extensive backgrounds. In the case of tilled soil, protein content was higher than in the no-till option. In the forecrops option, the gluten content in grain decreased from 24.2–26.5% for fallow and pea to 19.8–24.0% for oats and monoculture; for chemicalization levels, it decreased from 25.0–27.1% against the intensive background to 19.4–22.2% against the extensive background; for tillage methods, it decreased from 22.4–26.0% (shallow or deep cultivation) to 22.0–23.2% (no-till).

Keywords: spring common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); protein; gluten; weight of 1000 grains; vitreousness; grain unit; forecrop; tillage; direct sowing; fertilizers; plant protection products; moisture conditions.

Author Details: S. V. Usenko, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V. I. Usenko, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow; A. A. Garkusha, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; N. V. Barysheva, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), senior research fellow.

For citation: Usenko SV, Usenko VI, Garkusha AA, et al. [Wheat grain quality of depending on the forecrop, tillage method, fertilizers, and plant protection means in the forest-steppe in the south of Western Siberia]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(7): 32-7. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-10705.