
Assessment of selection pea lines of various morphotypes in the Altai Territory


S. K. Shukis, E. R. Shukis
Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies, Nauchnyi gorodok, 35, Barnaul, 656910, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to find promising lines of pea of various morphotypes, providing greater returns on their use. We present the results of учфьштфешщт of 15 breeding lines. The work was performed in 2017–2019 in an experimental field located in typical conditions of the Cis-Ob forest-steppe of the Altai Territory. The years of the field experiments differed in weather conditions, which allowed for an objective assessment of the material under study. In terms of the amount of precipitation during the growing season, 2017 was wet (288.8 mm), 2018 was close to normal (210.9 mm), and 2019 was arid (144.9 mm). The representatives of the leaf morphotype were the tallest: L-N.O.P. (90 cm), L-46/12 (85 cm), L-23/07 (85 cm), and Kr. Yar 455 x Talovets-55 (81 cm). The line of field pea L-47/17 PU (95 cm) was the best in this sign among the tendril forms. In terms of resistance to lodging, the tendril forms were the best. In terms of grain productivity, a significant yield increase relative to the standard was provided by the tendril pea lines OTB.NOP US (+0.72 t/ha), L-47/17 PU (+0.61 t/ha), and L-37/99 K (03) (+0.51 t/ha). Among leaf forms, L-35/17 (+1.03 t/ha), L-23/07 (+0.95 t/ha), L-Kr. Yar 455 x Talovets-55 (+ 0.79t/ha), and L-15/17 OTB.B. (+ 0.53t/ha) had well productivity. Pea is a source of not only food but also feed grain. It plays an important role in forage production as a hay crop. Leaf lines L-Kr. Yar 455 x Talovets-55, L-23/07, L-N.O.P., (Truzhenik x L-31/80) x Omskii Neosypayushchijsya, L-15/17 OTB.B. exceeded the standard Avans in terms of yield of green mass by 0.61–1.26 t/ha and in terms of dry matter yield by 0.29–0.82 t/ha. According to the results of a comprehensive assessment, the lines of field pea L-47/17 PU of the tendril morphotype and the line L-N.O.P of leaf morphotype were the most interesting for the production of plant raw materials.

Keywords: pea (Pisum sativum L.); breeding; variety; line; morphotype; trait; productivity; green mass; dry matter.

Author Details: S. K. Shukis, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); E. R. Shukis, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow.

For citation: Shukis SK, Shukis ER. [Assessment of selection pea lines of various morphotypes in the Altai Territory]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(7):76-9. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-10713.