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Теоретический и научно-практический журнал





Metabolic correction of sport horses in training


N. F.Eryzhenskaya
Kursk Federal Agricultural Research Center, ul. Karla Marksa, 70 b, Kursk, 305021, Russian Federation

Abstract. he purpose of the research was to study the effect of the metabolic mixture based on succinic acid with additional components on metabolic processes in the body of horses during the period of intensive training and on their sporting achievements. The work was performed at the Kursk Hippodrome during the running season of 2020. For the experiment, the horses of the Russian and Orlov Trotter breeds were divided into two groups (experimental and control) according to the analogue principle; each group included fifteen animals at the age of 2–7 years with a speed class 2.10 and more with obvious symptoms of metabolism impairment. All animals were kept under the same conditions and fed the same diet. The period between competitions was 14 days. For the horses from the first experimental group, the morning portion of oats was irrigated with 0.5 litres of metabolic mixture for 14 days in a row. The second group was the control group. On the eleventh day, total protein content, alkaline reserve, and glucose level in the blood of the animals from the experimental group increased, in comparison with the control, by 3.41 g/L, 4.8 CO2 g/L, and 5.4 mol/L. An increase in the alkaline blood reserve indicated positive changes in the biochemical processes in the horse body. Glucose content in the blood of animals from the control group indicated a reduced energy supply, which is associated with a violation of protein, carbohydrate, and mineral metabolism. After using the metabolic mixture, the speed of the stallion Poslannik from the experimental group at a distance of 1,600 m improved from 2.04.5 min to a record value of 1.59.9 min. This indicates the possibility of improving the athletic performance of horses without the use of doping. Feeding the metabolic mixture will help reduce energy and oxygen consumption by the horse’s body during training and will provide a more efficient energy intake without further depletion of power and with its quickest recovery after exercise.

Keywords: sports horses; training; succinic acid; metabolic processes; components.

Author Details: N. F. Eryzhenskaya, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), senior research fellow (E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).

For citation: Eryzhenskaya NF. [Metabolic correction of sport horses in training]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2021;35(4):56-9. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2021-10409.