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Intraseasonal monitoring of water erosion of arable soils in subtaiga of Western Siberia


D. A. Savelieva1, V. K. Kalichkin2
1Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Peat – branch of the Siberian Federal Agrobiotechnology Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Gagarina, 3, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation
2Siberian Federal Research Center of Agricultural Biotechnology, Russian Academy of Sciences, pos. Krasnoobsk, Novosibirskii r-n, Novosibirskaya obl., 630501, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to conduct geoinformation modelling and intraseasonal monitoring of the maximum potential of water erosion of soils, as well as the potential of erosion, taking into account the factor of vegetation and the estimated actual erosion of arable land in the catchment basins of small rivers in the subtaiga zone of Western Siberia. For modelling, we used the open-source software Quantum GIS Desktop 3.12.2 with GRASS 7.8.2 and SAGA 2.3.2. Calculations were performed based on the Wischmeyer and Smith Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). To provide the model with input data, we used available information sources: SRTM digital elevation model, Landsat 8 images in red and near-infrared spectra, literature sources, as well as our data. Based on the simulation results, we generated 21 maps of the erosion state of arable land for each month of the active erosion period (April – October) for three options for calculating the erosion potential. The maximum potential of water erosion of arable soils in the investigated area was 15.87–30.20 t/ha*year; the most erosion-hazardous months in terms of this indicator were July (30.20 t/ha*year) and April (28.91 t/ha*year). Erosion potential, taking into account the vegetation cover, was 5.73–15.81 t/ha*year. The minimum was registered in August; the maximum was registered in April and September. In July, we noted the greatest decrease in the maximum and average values of washout, compared with other months, taking into account the vegetation factor – by 5.1 times and 8.1 times, respectively. The influence of the factor of the effectiveness of anti-erosion measures was small. It was most pronounced with a decrease in the role of vegetation in the period from August to October, as well as in areas with the maximum potential of erosion in May and June. The maximum values of the estimated actual erosion were 5.22–15.40 t/ha*year; the average values were 0.31–1.21 t/ha*year. The most erosion-hazardous months in terms of this indicator were April and October; the least hazardous month was August.

Keywords: water erosion; GIS; monitoring; modelling; USLE; NDVI.

Author Details: D. A. Savelieva, applicant, junior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V. K. Kalichkin, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow.

For citation: Savelieva DA, Kalichkin VK. Intraseasonal monitoring of water erosion of arable soils in subtaiga of Western Siberia. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2021;35(5):15-21. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2021-10502.