Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




J.V. Koryagin
Penza State Agricultural Academy, Russia, Penza city, Botanicheskaya Str., 30

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Summary. The aim of the research was to study the influence of inoculation by biological bacterial drugs group associative diazotrophs: rizoagrin (Agrobakterium radiobacter 204) and agrika (Bacillus subtilis B - 04) in conjunction with trace elements (selenium, manganese, molybdenum, boron, cobalt) on the germination rate and sowing qualities of seeds in the laboratory. The scheme of the experiment included the following options of treatment: water (control); rizoagrin; rizoagrin + Se; rizoagrin + Se + Mo + В + Mо +Со; agrika; agrika + Se; agrika + Se + Mo + В + Mn + Co; trace elements (separately) - Se, Mo, Mn, B, Co; Se + Mo + B + Mn + Co. The largest increase of energy for seed germination, in comparison with control, was observed in the variant with carrying out the inoculation of seeds by biologics together with trace elements: rizoagrin + Se + Мо + В + Мn + Со – at 7,1%, agrika + Se + Mo + В + Mn + Co – at 7,9%; the lowest – by trace elements Co, В, Mn, Mo and Se (respectively 2,2; 2,3; 2,3; 2,5 and 3,3%). Laboratory germination of seeds was increased up to 8, 1% while using agrika with selenium, manganese, molybdenum, boron and cobalt. Above pre-sowing treatment stimulated increasing growth of the length of shoots and roots of spring wheat. The best results on these parameters were obtained while joint application agrika and trace elements (Se, Mo, B, Mn, Co) – the length of shoots and roots was higher, in comparison with control, at 32, 2 and 28, 3% respectively. The degree of consumption of nutrients and moving them from a seed to a sprout was respectively in 5, 3 and 4, 8 times higher, in comparison with treatment by water, in variants rizoagrin + Se + Mo + В + Mn + Co and agrika + Se + Mo+ В + Mn + Co that indicates about the intensive growth in the initial stages of development of spring wheat.

Keywords: spring wheat, biological agents (rizoagrin, agrika), microelements (Se, Mo, B, Mn, Co), inoculation, sowing qualities of seeds, viability, laboratory viability, length of shoots and roots.