O.V. Skripko
All-Russian Research Institute of Soybean Breeding, Ignat’evskoe shosse, 19, Blagoveshchensk, Amurskaya obl., 675027, Russian Federation
Abstract. Development of new methods and technologies for the production of foodstuff for the functional purpose is one of priority problems of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition. Researchers are directed to search and justification of new technological approaches and development of a waste-free technology of production of innovative food of a functional orientation in the form of pastes. Production of functional food is possible from soybean and vegetable raw materials growing in the Far Eastern Federal District, and extraction of protein from the prepared raw materials without loss of valuable components is carried out by the use of solutions of organic acids and biologically active food additives as coagulants. It was determined mathematical dependences of technological process parameters of preparation of protein and vitamin pastes, in particular, coagulation temperature, from such factors as mass fraction of water solutions of ascorbic acid or acid composition (ascorbic plus succinic acids) (M is 12.2–15.0 %), concentration of water solutions of ascorbic acid or acid composition (K is 4.7–6.2 %) and duration of coagulation (tau is 4.8–6.0 min.); the temperature of coagulation is from 48.5 to 67.0 Celsius degrees. Foodstuff received with the application of the developed technological approaches contains a significant amount of protein, fat, vitamins C and E, mineral substances, as well as ascorbic and succinic acids, food fibers. Availability of these indispensable nutrients allows to consider such products functional and to recommend them for use in domestic and public catering at the deficiency of protein and vitamins. Innovative functional food can be produced according to the developed technical documentation on the standard equipment of food and processing enterprises.
Keywords: soybean, protein and vitamin products, functional products, coagulation, chemical composition.
Author Details: O.V. Skripko, D. Sc. (Tech.), head of laboratory.
For citation: Skripko O.V. Technological Approaches to Obtaining Functional Protein and Vitamin Foods from Soybean. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 6. Pp. 84-88 (in Russ.).