O.K. Nikolsky, N.P. Vorobyev, L.V. Kulikova, E.O. Martko, D.A. Boyarkov
I.I. Polzunov Altai State Тechnical University, prosp. Lenina, 46, Barnaul, 656038, Russian Federation
Abstract. The aim of the investigation was to increase the efficiency of diagnostics of technical condition of electrical installations at the objects of the agro-industrial complex for prevention of accidents and electro-traumatism, the creation of safe working conditions in agriculture. The efficiency of functioning of the human-machine system (HMS) in the form of “human – electrical installation – working environment” (H-EI-WE) under conditions of uncertainty of source data can be expressed by means of the integral risk R(sigma), which is a complex multiparametric criterion as a probability measure of occurrence of danger of an electric set (for example, electrical injury) in combination with the caused material or social damage (in rubles). Risk analysis of the HMS at that is expedient by the use of indistinct models. For the formalized description of the HMS, it is used the triangular membership function, interpreting uncertainties of the types “it is approximately equal”, “mean value”, “it is located in an interval”, etc. The source data for the description of the model is the set of risk-factors (RF), which significantly influence the occurrence of the dangerous technogenic situations (DTS). The introduction of term-sets with their formalization by membership functions on the basis of logical operations “if…, then” for a linguistic assessment of RFs allows executing a structural identification “inputs-output” of the HMS “H-EI-WE”. In accordance with the foregoing the structurally functional model of HMS “H-EI-WE” was developed, as well as a simulation model (SM) of the HMS “H-EI-WE” allowing to reveal complete or partial elimination of danger, and, therefore, and to prevent the consequences (accidents, electrical injuries, fires), that is to establish cause-and-effect relations between the variables characterizing “inputs” and “outputs” – the design value of R(sigma). The structure of the SM is detailed with the help of a tree of risk occurrence, which serves for the localization of all dangerous components of the HMS “H-EI-WE” (by the example of the model of a single-phase touch of the electrician to the conductive corpus of the electric drill which appeared charged). The developed SM of occurrence of a technogenic situation on the basis of logical-linguistic variables allows to build trees of risks of cause-and-effect relations between the input parameters and R(sigma) and by this way to realize the function of management of R(sigma) at the objects of the agro- industrial complex under real working conditions.
Keywords: electrical installation, risk, human-machine system, soft computing, damage, simulation modeling, expert system.
Author Details: O.K. Nikolsky, D. Sc. (Tech.), head of department (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.P. Vorobyev, D. Sc. (Tech.), prof.; L.V. Kulikova, D. Sc. (Tech.), prof.; E.O. Martko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), assoc. prof.; D.A. Boyarkov, master’s student.
For citation: Nikolsky O.K., Vorobyev N.P., Kulikova L.V., Martko E.O., Boyarkov D.A. Methodology of Technogenic Risks Control at Electrical Installations at the Objects of the Agro-Industrial Complex. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 3. Pp. 58-64 (in Russ.).