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Effect of the feed additive with probiotic on increasing productivity and stimulating metabolism in cows


N. V. Vorobieva, V. S. Popov
Kursk Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, ul. Karla Marksa, 70 b, Kursk, 305021, Russian Federation

Abstract. The studies were conducted to determine the effect of energy-metabolic feed additives on increasing the productivity of cows with signs of metabolic disorders in the lactation period. The work was performed in 2018–2019 on Black-and-White cows in the Kursk region. The animals were selected by the pair-analogues method; they were clinically healthy by mastitis, with an average milk yield of 14.0 kg/day. The animals were divided into two groups, 10 cows were in each group. Cows were fed by a diet generally accepted on the farm. The feed additive was added to the mixed fodder for the experimental group at the rate of 1.5 kg/head per day since 10th day after calving. The duration of the experiment was 30 days. The energy and metabolic feed additive was developed on the basis of malt barley sprouts with the addition of succinic acid and Cellobacterin enzymatic probiotic. The use of the studied additive contributed to the intensification of metabolic processes, as evidenced by a change in the values of biochemical blood parameters of the experimental animals. We revealed an increase in glucose concentration by 49%, a decrease in the content of ketone bodies by 8.4%, an increase in alkaline reserve by 15.8%, an equalization of the calcium-phosphorus ratio to 1.6:1, and an improvement in mineral metabolism (all changes were trendy). The probiotic feed additive had a positive effect on the milk yield of the animals. The cows from the experimental group showed an average growth tendency of 1.82 kg/day. The content of milk fat increased by 0.15%; the number of somatic cells in milk decreased 2.36 times.

Keywords: correction; feed additive; cows; metabolism; milk; probiotic; productivity; enzymatic properties.

Author Details: N. V. Vorobieva, Cand. Sc. (Vet.), senior research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V. S. Popov, D. Sc. (Vet.), head of laboratory.

For citation: Vorobieva NV, Popov VS. [Effect of the feed additive with probiotic on increasing productivity and stimulating metabolism in cows]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(3):75-8. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-10315.