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Effect of crop cultivation technologies and soil as a self-developing system on the humus content


A. S. Tsygutkin, A.V. Azarov
Belgorod Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the RAS, ul. Oktyabr’skaya, 58, Belgorod, 308001, Russian Federation

Abstract. The study aimed to analyze the influence of elements of crop cultivation technology (crop rotations, soil cultivation, organic and mineral fertilizer application), as well as soil, as a self-developing system, on changes in the humus content in the arable layer of typical medium-thick chernozem on loess-like loam. The work was performed on the basis of data obtained in a long-term multifactorial field experiment conducted since 1987 according to the full factorial scheme in the Belgorod region. Humus content in the soil was mainly determined by four factors: crop rotation, organic and mineral fertilizers, and soil. The inclusion of the soil, divided into layers, as an additional factor made it possible to mathematically prove that the processes occurring in it have a direct impact on the humus content, as evidenced by the excess of the actual value of the Fisher criterion over the critical value: F(test) (49.45) was more than F(table) (3.09). The effects of the interaction of two, three, four, and five factors were not statistically proven. The influence of the main effects and pairwise interactions determined 94.2% of the variations in the humus content in the soil; interactions of a higher order accounted for only 5.8%. For regression analysis, when processing the entire data set we can use mathematical models with main effects and paired interactions of factors omitting interactions of a higher order since they do not have a significant effect on the variation in the humus content. It is advisable to process the data on the value of this indicator not for each layer separately, but for the entire profile, including the soil as an additional factor in the experimental design with the representation of its layers as gradations of an additional factor.

Keywords: soil; humus; long-term multifactorial field experiment; factor; factor gradation; main effects; pair interactions.

Author Details: A. S. Tsygutkin, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head. laboratory (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); A.V. Azarov, junior researcher.

For citation: Tsygutkin AS, Azarov AV. [Effect of crop cultivation technologies and soil as a self-developing system on the humus content] Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2021;35(6):44-9. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2021-10608.