V.V. Kulintsev, V.K. Dridiger
Stavropol scientific research institute of agriculture
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Summary. The aim of our research is to study the impact of technologies of direct sowing (No-till) and the traditional technology of cultivation of field cultures on their productivity and efficiency of use of arable land in the dry zone in the Stavropol territory. Comparative assessment of technologies carried out according to actual data of the statistical reporting of farms in a form 29 CX on structure of crops and productivity of crops. All analyzed farms are located in a droughty zone (the Ipatovsky area) Stavropol territory. It is established that development of technology of direct crops in ООО SHP «Urozhaynoye» and ООО «Dobrovolnoye» allowed them to refuse completely pure steam, to expand the range of cultivated cultures and, except winter wheat and sunflower, it is essential to increase crops of peas and successfully to cultivate a winter colza, corn and soy. Making in 2003-2006 (prior to development of technology of direct crops) identical amount of conditional grain on 1 hectare of an arable land with the next farms of the area, these farms on the average for 2012-2013 (the fifth and sixth year of work on technology of direct crops) increased this indicator by 0,83 and 1,02 t/hectare or for 36,1 and 38,6% that on 0,79-1,57 tons (33,7-80,5%) it is more, than in nearby the located farms.
Keywords: technology, direct crops, productivity, efficiency of use of an arable land.