N.V. Semenova
Agricultural Research Institute of the North-East, Lenina str., 166a, Kirov, 610007, Russia
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Summary. Used linear statistical model of mixed type to assess heritability and genetic correlations of productive and technological traits in dairy cattle population of the Kirov region. The statistical model included: the effect of the additive genetic value of the father (in randomly); effects of herd, year of calving, calving season, the effects of age and live weight, the effect of genetic group (Holstein breed) and the effect of unaccounted factors (in randomly). Heritabilities was: milk yield- 33, fat content – 44, fat yield-35, a single milking – 23, milking time-26, the milking speed 24%. All estimates were statistically significant (α < 0,05). Genetic correlations were established between the milk yield and fat yield (0.91), fat yield and fat content (0.38). Genetic relationship milk yield, single milking, milking time with fat content is not established. Single milking had high positive genetic correlation with milk yield and fat yield (0.6), milking time (0.5) and a weak positive correlation with the milking speed (0.3). Genetic correlation the milking speed with of milk production traits was positive 0.1 ... 0.2, with the time of milking negative – 0.6. Simulated versions of selection of sires: only on dairy fat daughters with a share of 33% of the selection, phased selection of bulls for the single yield with a share of 90% of the selection, the fat yield with a share of 40% and a selection milking speed with a share of 90% of the selection. The efficiency of each variant estimated in size of genetic superiority.
Keywords: heritability, genetic correlations, productive traits, technological traits, dairy cattle, genetic superiority.
Author Details: N.V. Semenova, aspirant (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.)
For citation: Semenova N.V. Heritability and genetic correlation of productivity and technological traits dairy cattle and their application in practice selection. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. T.29. №4. pp. 44-46 (In Russ)