Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




V.G. Kahikalo, T.L. Leshchuk
Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named T.S. Maltsev, v. Lesnikova, Ketovsky District, Kurgan Region, 641300, Russia

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Summary. The experimental part of the investigation and implementation of obtained results was carried out at breeding plants OOO “Luch”, APC “Plemzavod “Razliv” in Kurgan region. The object of the study was cows of Black-and-White and Holstein breed during the first lactation. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of body type of cows of different origin on their reproductive ability in Trans-Urals. The parameters of reproductive ability relative to the exterior and body type were studied. Measurements were taken and the production type of cow constitution and reproductive ability were determined according to conventional methods. The influence of exterior on reproductive ability of cows was determined according to the results of single-factor analysis of variance. Animals of different origin had body balance, strong constitution, long voluminous body, deep chest, straight topline, long and wide rump, strong and properly set limbs. In groups of measurements different indicators of reproductive ability were obtained, but the more was the slanting length of the body, the more prolonged was the service period (181 days). The duration of service period of Holstein cows of the milk direction of productivity was 194 days, which was greater than in animals of Black-and-White breed by 12 days. In cows of milk type it was longer than in animals of milk and meat type by 91 days. The duration of lactation in cows with milk body type was longer than in animals of milk and meat type by 96 days. The influence of body type on output of calves was 2.1 %..

Keywords: Black-and-White breed, Holstein breed, exterior, constitutional type, service period, insemination index, calf output.

Author Details: V.G. Kahikalo, Dr. Sc. (Agr.), Prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); T.L. Leshchuk, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Assoc. Prof.

For citation: Kahikalo V.G., Leshchuk T.L. Reproductive ability of Black-and-White cows depending on body type. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V.29. №5. pp. 80-82 (In Russ)