V.I. Turusov, V.M. Garmashov, N.V. Dronova
Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Central Chernozem Zone named after V.V. Dokuchaev, Talovskiy area, Voronezh region, 397463, Russia
E-mail: niish1c@mail.ru
Summary. The research was conducted on the basis of V.V. Dokuchaev Research Institute of Agriculture of Central Black Soil Zone in 2011-2013 in order to develop techniques for reproduction of soil fertility and rise of the yield of winter wheat. In the years of investigation different tillage systems in crop rotation influenced insignificantly agro-physical properties of black soil. During the growing season of winter wheat the density of the soil layer 0-30 cm was on the average 1.14 g/cm3 with moldboard tillage at different depths; for combined tillage system it was 1.09 g/cm3. Soil moisture regime also changed insignificantly. The reserves of productive moisture in one-meter layer of soil were 102.7-111.6 mm at the beginning of vegetation of winter wheat with studied tillage systems. Moldboard tillage at different depths in crop rotation improved nitrogen regime of soil under winter wheat, which is most clearly expressed in years with cool weather and low spring rainfall. In the soil layer 0-30 cm the content of available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium on average of vegetation period was 9.4-9.7 and 8.5-10.6 mg/kg of dry soil for moldboard tillage at different depths. For combined tillage system these values were 10.0-10.2 and 9.4-9.6 mg/kg of dry soil. LSD05 was 3.6 and 2.2 mg/kg of dry soil. The greatest effect of the interaction of tillage and fertilizer application in improving of the nutrient status of the soil for winter wheat under conditions of the southeast of central black soil zone was achieved with combined tillage systems in crop rotation with disk cultivation of soil directly before winter wheat.
Keywords: soil tillage system in crop rotation, soil cultivation, winter wheat, mineral fertilizers.
Author Details: V.I. Turusov, Corresponding Member of RAS, Director (e-mail: niish1c@mail.ru); V.M. Garmashov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), Head of Division; N.V. Dronova, Junior Researcher.
For citation: Turusov V.I., Garmashov V.M., Dronova N.V. Efficiency of tillage systems and means of intensification at winter wheat cultivation under conditions of Central Black Soil zone. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V.29. №7. pp. 68-70 (In Russ)