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L.R. Oganyan
Stavropol Research Iinstitute of Agriculture, str. Nikonova, 49, Mikhailovsk, Stavropolsky kray, 356241, Russian Federation

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Summary. In structure of agrarian economy of North Caucasus federal region small forms of managing most dynamically develop. In 2014 their share come 63,6% of total amount of the agricultural products made by farms of all categories of the region, including 24,7% of grain, 20,2% of sunflower, 90,6% of vegetables of an open ground, 90,1% of potatoes, 58,5% of meat of cattle and a bird, 86,7% of milk and 71,6% of eggs. Despite so considerable outputs, an involvement of subjects of small forms of managing into the sphere of a commodity exchange and system of the food market remains to the lowest. For stimulation of development and growth of efficiency of subjects of small business in округенеобходимо sozdaniye expansion of system of agricultural cooperatives. In North Caucasus federal region registering 478 agricultural consumer cooperatives, from which actually functions 57% (across Russia -68%), including credit – 65 (69) are registered; the processing – 53 (64); the supplying and marketing – 50% (70%). The main reasons, the cooperation functioning constraining productivity, are: lack of a compact arrangement of country farms; the guarded relation of many peasants to cooperation; insufficient state support of both agricultural cooperatives, and small forms of managing. Today development of small forms is kept within Gosprogramma’s actions that it is obviously not enough. According to zakonodatelstvomon have the rights for the state support, equal with large business, but in practice of it doesn’t occur. So, in 2013 for 1 Russian ruble of gross output country farms got 3,2 cents in Stavropol Krai of the state support, economy of the population – 0,3 cents, and agricultural enterprises – 6,3 cents. At the same time extremely important not only to increase the sizes of the funds allocated by the state but also to provide their use effectively.

Keywords: small farms, the North Caucasus federal region, consumer cooperatives, state support.

Author Details: L.R. Oganyan, research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).

For citation: Oganyan L.R. The condition and trends of the development of the small forms in agriculture of the North-Caucasian federal region. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V.29. No10. pp. 5-9 (In Russ.)