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Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




S.F. Chesalin, A.P. Serdyukov, L.M. Baturo, N. K. Zholudeva
Bryansk State Agricultural University, ul. Sovetskaya, 2a, pos. Kokino, Vygonichskii r-n, Bryanskaya obl., 243365, Russian Federation

Summary. The efficacy of different doses of mineral fertilizers was studied at the radical improvement (two-high plowing was used) of natural forage lands for fodder production, corresponding to the standard for specific activity. The experiment was carried out in 2000-2014 in the territory of the southwest of Bryansk region. The soil of the plot was alluvial sod-gleic sandy one (pH(KCl) was 5.2-5.6, a content of humus was 3.08-3.33%, of mobile phosphorus – 620-840 mg/kg, of exchange potassium – 133-180 mg/kg). The minimum productivity up to 9.3 t/ha in the total over two mowings with the greatest specific activity of forage on the average of 790 Bq/kg was registered without use of mineral fertilizers. The maximum productivity of 33.5 t/ha during the first period of researches was received at introduction of full mineral fertilizer in the dose of N60P90K60. The increase in doses of nutrition elements and their ratio did not cause a significant increase in yield. Nitrogen fertilizers increased the specific activity of forage, which did not correspond to the standard with N60P90K60. To obtain high yields of green mass of perennial grasses with allowable level of specific forage activity in the zone with contamination density of 1221-1554 kBq/sq.m we recommend to apply full mineral fertilizers with a nitrogen : potassium ratio 1:1.5. The calculation of migration of cesium-137 from forages in production of animal husbandry revealed that use of potash fertilizers at cultivation of perennial grasses allows reducing finally the specific activity of cesium-137 in production and an internal dose of radiation of a person.

Keywords: potassium fertilizers, radical improvement, forage lands, Cs-137, green mass of plants, milk, meat, dose of internal radiation.

Author Details: S.F. Chesalin, Cand.Sc. (Agr.), assoc. prof.; A.P. Serdyukov, post-graduate student (е-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.), L.M. Baturo, post-graduate student; N. K. Zholudeva, post-graduate student.

For citation: Chesalin S.F., Serdyukov A.P., Baturo L.M., Zholudeva N.K. Use of Mineral Fertilizers at Radical Improvement of Radioactive Contaminated Inundated Lands. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2016. V.30. No 4. Pp. 45-49 (In Russ.).