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G.Ya. Krivosheev, A.S. Ignatiev
All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops named after I.G. Kalinenko, Nauchny Gorodok, 3, Zernograd, 347730, Russian Federation

Abstract. The investigations were carried out in order to identify the samples of waxy corn with high values of the main economic characters. The test was carried out at the experimental field of the laboratory of maize breeding and seed-growing (I.G. Kalinenko All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops) in 2013-2014. The soil of the test plot was ordinary chernozem with a humus layer of 160 cm and with a high content of carbonate. Eighty-one samples of self-pollinated seeds (I2) of waxy corn were the material for the trials. They were studied for such economic valuable traits as starch content in kernels, maturity group, grain productivity, harvesting moisture of grain, resistance to lodging, number of ears per plant, weight of a ear, 1000-kernel weight, number of seed rows, number of kernels per ear, plant height, height of ear attachment. Sixteen samples with a high content of starch in kernels (68.5-70.3%) were identified. They are 3/1, 12/1, 20/5, 22/8, 49/1, 55/1, 57/1, 121/2, 137/2, 170/1, 173/1, 188/1, 197/1, 217/1, 222/1, 254/1. According to the complex of traits we identified four samples: 49/1 (high content of starch, resistance to lodging), 55/1 (high content of starch, resistance to lodging, low harvesting moisture of grain), 197/1 (high content of starch, resistance to lodging, absence of fruitless plants), 217/1 (high content of starch, great number of kernels per ear, low harvesting moisture of grain). High-starch self-pollinated posterities were grouped into four clusters according to the relation degree based on the analysis of 12 characteristics. For the assessment of the combining ability of the high-starch samples on grain productivity, we selected self-pollinated seeds of the second, third and fourth clusters (22/8, 57/1, 137/2) to hybridize them with self-pollinated seeds of the first cluster.

Keywords: corn subspecies, self-pollinated posterities, economic valuable traits, clusters.

Author Details: G.Ya. Krivosheev, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of laboratory (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); A.S. Ignatiev, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior research fellow.

For citation: Krivosheev G.Ya., Ignatiev A.S. Breeding Value of the Samples of Waxy Corn (Zea mays L. ceratina). Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 1. Pp. 39-43 (in Russ.).