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T.A. Aseeva, O.L. Shepel’
Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture, pos. Vostochnyi-1, Khabarovskii krai, 680521, Russian Federation

Abstract. Promising lines and varieties of pea were comparatively evaluated on the vegetable breeding plot of the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture in 2015-2016. The samples were given by the All-Russian Research Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops (12 samples) and Ulyanovsk Agricultural Research Institute (3 varieties). The standard was pea ‘Aksakaiskii Usatyi 55’. Among the samples, there were plants with various morphotype of leaves: leaflet, leafless, with a tier heterophylly (“chameleon”). We studied the formation of productivity elements of pea samples and possibility of realization of their genetic potential under conditions of Amur River region. The duration of the vegetative period was 69-82 days (the mid-season group of ripeness), depending on the condition of the year, at the accumulated active temperatures of 1340-1560 Celsius degrees. The most favorable conditions for pea development were in 2015. The yield of varieties Ukaz, Spartak, Yag-07-643, Yag-08-1269, L-102-07 and L-104-13 significantly exceeded the standard by 480, 350, 340, 260, 220 kg/ha, respectively (LSD05 was 210 kg/ha). In the case of strong overwetting in 2016 (hydrothermal coefficient was 2.5) the yield of Ukaz, L-104-13 and Yubilar varieties was at the level of the standard. On average, over two years of the research, the highest yield was registered in pea ‘Ukaz’ (2.56 t/ha). By the number of productive nodes on a plant the line Yag-06-83 (4.7 nodes) was marked out, by the quantity of beans per plant – the line Yag-06-83 (7.8 beans) and Spartak variety (7.7 beans). The standard variety Aksakaiskii Usatyi 55 was the best by the quantity of seeds in one bean (5.1 seeds). The largest weight of 1000 seeds was in the line Yag-07-652, the smallest one – in Yubilar variety (241.0 g and 176.6 g, respectively). It is recommended to use the listed samples as sources of valuable economic signs. The obtained results will allow to choose the direction of further breeding work and to create a variety, which is most adapted to conditions of Amur River region.

Keywords: pea, productivity, productivity elements, genetic potential, lodging resistance, Amur River region.

Author Details: T.A. Aseeva, D. Sc. (Agr.), director (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); O.L. Shepel’, post graduate student.

For citation: Aseeva T.A., Shepel’ O.L. Investigation of Promising Pea Varieties under Conditions of Amur River Region. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 4. Pp. 47-50 (in Russ.).