G.E. Chepurin
Siberian Federal Research Center of Agricultural Biotechnology of the RAS (SFRCAB of the RAS), pos. Krasnoobsk, Novosibirskii r-n, Novosibirskaya obl., 630501, Russian Federation
Abstract. The certified throughput of a grain harvester is usually taken for the delivery of corn bulk, having the normative moistures of the grain and the straw, to a thresher with the level of grain losses of 1.5 percent. In a production environment, the throughput of a grain harvester of any type increases 1.45 times when the straw content in corn bulk is changed from 1.5 to 0.7 and decreases 1.16 times when the straw content increases from the normative value to 2.3. This regularity should be taken into consideration because the standards of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation allow not more than 10 percent of the underemployment of the certified throughput of the grain harvester; with that, the overload of the thresher is not permitted. For the real time use of the technological certificate of the grain harvester at choosing strategy and tactics of harvesting activities in farm conditions, it may be represented as a nomogram consisting from four quadrants. The procedure to use technological certificate was developed by the example of harvesting of grain crops with the productivity of 1 to 2 tonnes per hectare by means of the 7 kg/s class grain harvester. According to calculations for the normal weather conditions and the productivity range mentioned above, such a machine will be fully loaded only at two-phase harvesting, threshing double swaths cut by reapers with the coverage of 10 and 6 m, and with the maximum allowable operating speed of the grain harvester. The coverage of the header for direct combining is from 9 to 11 m, so the efficient load of the 7 kg/s class grain harvester at maximum allowable operating speeds is provided only at threshing of grain crops with yielding capacities of more than 2 tonnes per hectare. These findings can be used to develop process charts for grain crop threshing on each field by direct or two-phase methods. Implementation of the developed technological certificates of grain harvesters and process charts allows us to considerably improve the performance of machines, reduce harvesting terms and yield losses as well as costs for carrying out harvesting work and cost price of grain.
Keywords: grain harvester, throughput, technological certificate, process chart.
Author Details: G.E. Chepurin, D. Sc. (Tech.), corresponding member of the RAS, supervisor of research area (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).
For citation: Chepurin G.E. Technological Certificate for a Grain Harvester, Process Chart for a Field. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 6. Pp. 76-79 (in Russ.).