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Теоретический и научно-практический журнал







G.F. Rakhmanova, N.L. Sharonova, I.A. Yapparov, I.A. Degtyareva, A.M. Ezhkova, M.M. Ilyasov, R.Kh. Gizatullin, N.Sh. Khisamutdinov
Tatarian Research Institute of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, ul. Orenburgskii trakt, 20a, Kazan’, 420059, Russian Federation

Abstract. The goal of the work was to study the influence of nanostructural water-bentonitic suspension (NWBS) and bentonite on parameters of the green biomass of vetch and the process of remediation of gray forest soil in the Republic of Tatarstan at 3% pollution by Devonian oil. The experiment was carried out in Tyulyachi district of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2013–2015, the replication was three-fold, the duration was 90 days. Common vetch is a plant, high resistant to hydrocarbonic pollutants, recommended for phytoremediation. At the presowing treatment by NWBS and bentonite in the soil without pollution, the germination of seeds increased up to 87.0–90.0 %, biomass accumulation – on 0.14–0.19 kg/m2, the content of chlorophyll – on 15.0 %, and agrochemical properties improved. The contamination of gray forest soil with hydrocarbons caused the decrease in seed germination on 10.6–25.4 %, energy of germination – on 15.0–50.0 %, biomass accumulation – on 0.16–0.18 kg/m2. The best characteristics were obtained at the presowing treatment by NWBS, the worst ones – in the variant without treatment. The three-per-cent concentration of oil had a stimulating effect on the content of chlorophyll. The reduction of oil phytotoxic impact and the improvement of agrochemical soil properties were observed after the presowing treatment of seeds with NWBS and bentonite. In the control variant without plants and treatment the content of hydrocarbons decreased by 0.1 %, at the application of NWBS (0.3 t/ha) – by 1.3 %, of bentonite (12 t/ha) – by 0.9 %, at the cultivation with common vetch – by 0.8 % compared to the initial level of pollution. The effect was increased by the presowing treatment of seeds with NWBS and bentonite. The most decrease in the hydrocarbon content in soil (on 1.6 %) in comparison with the initial level was detected in the variant of presowing treatment of seeds with NWBS at the dose of 1.25 kg/t.

Keywords: nanostructural water-bentonite suspension, bentonite, oil pollution, gray forest soil, remediation, common vetch, biomass, chlorophyll.

Author Details: G.F. Rakhmanova, research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); N.L. Sharonova, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), leading research fellow; I.A. Yapparov, D. Sc. (Biol.), acting director; I.A. Degtyareva, D. Sc. (Biol.), head of division; A.M. Ezhkova, D. Sc. (Biol.), head of division; M.M. Ilyasov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow; R. Kh. Gizatullin, research fellow; N. Sh. Khisamutdinov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow.

For citation: Rakhmanova G.F., Sharonova N.L., Yapparov I.A., Degtyareva I.A., Ezhkova A.M., Ilyasov M.M., Gizatullin R.Kh., Khisamutdinov N.Sh. Use of Sorbents in Recultivation of Oil-Contaminated Soil during Cultivation of Vicia Sativa L.. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 7. Pp. 59-62 (in Russ.).