A.P. Kozlovtsev, V.I. Kvashennikov, V.A. Shahov
Orenburg State Agrarian University, ul. Chelyuskintsev, 18, Orenburg, 460014, Russian Federation
Abstract. The increase in milk production and improvement of its quality is a priority task for employees of animal husbandry and milk processing enterprises of the agroindustrial complex over the last years. It is most expedient to develop the industry by reducing the cost of milk production, and, first of all, with the help of saving energy and resources. Environmental instability and the growth of prices for hydrocarbon fuel naturally intensify the implementation of projects aimed at distribution of alternative energy sources, especially those that are determined by the specificity of landscape-climatic conditions of the territorial location of enterprises and industrial complexes. The examination of the problem of reducing the specific consumption of energy carriers, including electricity, for the production and processing of milk showed the relevance of a specific area of scientific and technical search and the relevance of engineering solutions in the field of cold storage and the development of artificial cooling systems based on saving natural and energy resources. Resource and climate analysis confirms the possibility of using natural cold to create the technology of milk cooling with the freezing of ice mass. Project calculations show the promise of creating a cooler for year-round operation in the primary processing of milk. The paper proposes a simple and cheap technology for maintenance of the refrigerating capacity of thermosyphons at the maximum level by using a combined cold accumulator, which allows to increase the maximum of their cooling capacity. The results of calculating the amount of heat removed by one thermosyphon for a cold period of the year (120 days), equal to 0.774*10E7 kJ, makes it possible to determine that the number of thermosyphons required for realization is 11 pieces. This is 7 times less than in similar existing systems of accumulation of natural cold, containing 77 thermosyphons.
Keywords: cooling, food products, natural cold, cold accumulators, ice, energy saving, antifreeze, thermosyphon.
Author Details: A.P. Kozlovtsev, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), assoc. prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V.I. Kvashennikov, D. Sc. (Tech.), prof.; V.A. Shahov, D. Sc. (Tech.), prof.
For citation: Kozlovtsev A.P., Kvashennikov V.I., Shahov V.A. Preconditions for Using a Combined Accumulator of Natural Cold Based on Phase-Transfer Heat Exchangers. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 7. Pp. 66-68 (in Russ.).