Z.E. Ozherel’eva, A.A. Gulyaeva
All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breedin, pos. Zhilina, Orlovskii r-n, Orlovskaya obl., 302530, Russian Federation
Abstract. The studies were conducted in the laboratory of the physiology of fruit crop resistance of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding in 2015–2016. Cherry ‘Novella’, ‘Podarok Uchitelyam’ and ‘Proshchalnaya’, bred in the institute, were studied. The main purpose of the research was to study some physiological parameters of water regime of cherry cultivars in connection with their heat and drought resistance. A method of artificial dehydration of leaf tissues during a certain interval of time was used to determine the drought resistance of the cherry cultivars. To determine the heat resistance a method of heat shock at the temperature of +50 Celsius degrees was used. The study revealed the medium level of water content in the cherry leaves during the period of intensive shoot growth and fruit ripening. It was from 63.3 to 67.4 %. The least loss of water during drought and heat shock was revealed in cherry ‘Novella’. Under the field conditions in the studied cherry cultivars the water deficiency in leaves was low, less than 10.0 %. Under the effect of drought and high temperature, the water deficiency increased in all studied cultivars with a different degree. Novella was characterized by the least values of this sign in leaves after drought – 26.0 % and heat shock – 48.9 %. Novella, Podarok Uchitelyam, and Proshchalnaya cultivars had a high ability to restore the water content in leaves after drought (from 122.9 to 165.8 %) and heat (from 85.5 to 106.5 %). Under the influence of drought, the leaves of cherry cultivars got the necrosis of the leaf blade with different intensity. The necrosis spots were mostly displayed on the leaves of cherry ‘Proshchalnaya’.
Keywords: cherry, drought, heat shock, water regime, drought resistance, heat hardiness.
Author Details: Z.E. Ozherel’eva, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); A.A. Gulyaeva, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow.
For citation: Ozherel’eva Z.E., Gulyaeva A.A. Examination of Water Regime Parameters of Cherry under Conditions of Drought and Heat Shock. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 8. Pp. 46-48 (in Russ.).