A.A. Ovchinnikov, D.V. Chikotin
South Ural State University of Agriculture, ul. Gagarina, 13, Troitsk, Chelyabinskaya obl., 457100, Russian Federation
Abstract. The influence of Nabikat and Probitoks feed additives on metabolic processes in animal organisms was studied. A scientific and economic experiment was carried out in 2016 in Chelyabinsk region on sows of Large White breed, selected by the method of balanced groups, 21head in each group. In the period of gestation and sucking, the animals received a full-feed mixed fodder, corresponding to a detailed feeding system. Nabikat and Probitoks were fed to groups II and IV at the dose of 2.0 kg/t of mixed fodder, respectively, and to group III – 1.0 kg/t of mixed fodder of each additive. In group II, in comparison with the control, the digestibility of dry matter was significantly increased to 73.12% (by 2.27%), organic matter – up to 75.33% (by 2.62%), crude protein – to 75.42% (by 1.84%) and raw fat – up to 57.52% (by 8.72%), nitrogen deposition in the body – by 3.41 g (by 17.4%); in groups III and IV the difference in digestibility of nutrients was less expressed. Nabikat for 110 days of pregnancy promoted anabolism and increased the content of total protein in the blood to 77.42 g/l (by 7.5%), hemoglobin – up to 128.78 g/l (23.4%), total lipids – up to 3.55 g/l (by 22.4%), but contributed to the reduction of the alkaline reserve from 54.88 to 48.18 vol. % CO2, in comparison with the control. In group III, the increase in hemoglobin was observed up to 114.48 g/l (by 9.7%), in total protein – up to 75.90 g/l (by 5.3%), in group IV – up to 109.88 g/l (by 5.2%) and 73.30 g/l (by 1.7%), respectively, in total lipids – up to 3.25 g/l (up to 12.1%). The cost of additional piglets received was 3,100, 1,910 and 950 rubles in groups II, III and IV, respectively.
Keywords: sows, feed additives, digestibility of nutrients, blood metabolites, feed payment.
Author Details: A.A. Ovchinnikov, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); D.V. Chikotin, post graduate student.
For citation: Ovchinnikov A.A., Chikotin D.V. Effect of Adsorbents on Metabolic Processes in Organisms of Pregnant Sows. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 11. Pp. 64-67 (in Russ.).