Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал







A.V. Miftakhutdinov1, O.A. Velichko2, S.V. Shabaldin1, M.A. Grigoryeva2
1South Ural State Agrarian University, ul. Gagarina, 13, Troitsk, Chelyabinskaya obl., 457100, Russian Federation
2Tyumen State University, ul. Lenina, 25, Tyumen’, 625010, Russian Federation

Abstract. Prevention of pre-slaughter stress in broiler chickens is a poorly studied area of veterinary pharmacology and zootechnics. In the work we assessed the feasibility of pharmacological prevention of stresses in chickens during the final fattening and slaughter period. For this purpose, the authors developed and used a pharmacological SPAO-complex (stress-protector antioxidant). The studies were carried out on the chickens of the final hybrid of Arbor Acres cross, kept under conditions of the floor technology of the department of AO “PRODO Tyumensky Broiler” during the period from March to April 2017. The chickens from the first and third sections (experimental) received the SPAO-complex at a dose of 185 mg/kg of body weight, respectively, since 35th and 36th days to 38th day of life. Chickens from the second and fourth sections served as controls. The chickens were killed on the 38th day after hatching. Prior to the application of the pharmacological prevention, multiple comparisons of the statistical differences between these groups was performed. It indicated that the third and the fourth groups cannot be used for the analysis of the results, due to statistically significant differences. During the growing period, the average daily body weight gain of the experimental chickens was 1.1 g or 1.8% in comparison with the control; the control body weight was higher by 43 g (2381 and 2338 g, respectively). At the final stage of fattening, during the period of application of the SPAO-complex, the waste of the chickens from the first group was 0.6%, from the control group – 1.2%. After slaughter, 48% of carcasses of broiler-chickens of the first grade were obtained in the experimental group per 50 head; in the control group this index was 42%. Improvement of the value of this indicator by 1% allows the enterprise to receive about 300,000 rubles of additional profit. The use of SPAO-complex at the final stage of growing chickens contributes to the profit earning of 1.82 rubles per each ruble of costs by increasing the quantity and quality of products.

Keywords: chicken stresses; pharmacological prevention of stress; SPAO-complex; chicken-broilers; chicken meat; slaughter of broiler-chickens.

Author Details: A.V. Miftakhutdinov, D. Sc. (Biol.), head of department (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); O.A. Velichko, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); S.V. Shabaldin, applicant; M.A. Grigoryeva, post graduate student.

For citation: Miftakhutdinov A.V., Velichko O.A., Shabaldin S.V., Grigoryeva M.A. Prevention of Stresses during Production of Chicken-Broilers Meat. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 11. Pp. 68-71 (in Russ.).