P.A. Patrin, V.A. Patrin, V.M. Livshits, A.A. Mezenov, D.S. Rudakov, A.D. Gerasimenko
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, ul. Dobrolyubova, 160, Novosibirsk, 630039, Russian Federation
Abstract. The problems of the production of grain mixtures for livestock in Siberia are the dominance of the production of food grain and combine harvesting methods, which provides for the beginning of harvesting in the full ripeness phase, and delaying the timing of its conduct can cause grain losses of up to 25% or more, a decrease in its protein value, damage by mold and toxin-forming fungi. The rational period of harvesting grain for fodder purposes, allowing increasing its collection by 150–200 kg per 1 ha and significantly increasing the biological and nutritional value is the phase of milk-wax ripeness. For an inactivation of anti-nutrients, a dextrinization of the material of a grain cover, a creation of microporous structure in the prepared grain mixtures there is a need of application of power-intensive physical ways. High plasticity of the collected grain in the phase of milk-wax ripeness, allows using for these purposes a less energy-intensive process – flattening. At the same time, the technology of flattening high-moisture grains has not been sufficiently developed, and the machines for its implementation are not perfect, they have low technological reliability and high energy costs per unit of product produced. Experimental studies were carried out on a laboratory plant using wheat, barley, oats and pea grains, as well as their mixtures with a moisture content of 11–36% at a belt speed of 3.14; 4.71; 5.23 and 5.76 m/s and a gap between the rolls of 1, 2, 3 and 4 mm. The presence of a zone of preliminary deformation provides reliable capture and pinching of components of a grain mix irrespective of the size and humidity, and their smooth deformation on the length of the zone provides a soft mode of flattening.
Keywords: grain fodder mixture; nutrients; plasticity; deformation; jamming conditions; flattening of grain; soft mode.
Author Details: P.A. Patrin, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), senior research fellow; V.A. Patrin, D. Sc. (Tech.), assoc. prof.; V.M. Livshits, D. Sc. (Tech.), prof.; A.A. Mezenov, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), assoc. prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); D.S. Rudakov, engineer; A.D. Gerasimenko, bachelor.
For citation: Patrin P.A., Patrin V.A., Livshits V.M., Mezenov A.A., Rudakov D.S., Gerasimenko A.D. To the Solution of the Production Problem of Flattened Grain Mixture in Siberia. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 11. Pp. 82-86 (in Russ.).