N.K.Mazitov1, R.L.Sakhapov2, S.G.Absalyamova3
1Kazan State Agrarian University, ul. K. Marksa, 65, Kazan’, 420015, Russian Federation
2Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, ul. Zelenaya, 1, Kazan’, 420043, Russian Federation
3Kazan Federal University, ul. Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan’, 420000, Russian Federation
Abstract. . An analysis of current trends in the development of the world economy and the study of the world market situation allow us to talk about the current energy and food confrontation. The decline in the demand for traditional energy resources, caused by a number of objective factors (slowing growth of the world economy, increasing shale gas production, the emergence of alternative energy sources, etc.), led to a significant drop in oil prices. At the same time, there is a rapid growth of the world food market, caused by an increase in the standard of living of the population and, accordingly, consumption in both developed and developing countries, changes in the structure of the population’s food supply, cyclical food crises, uneven distribution of natural resources, and natural anomalies. The leading role in international economic relations is being played by the exporting countries of agricultural products, and the products themselves become one of the key structural factors of the world economy and politics. For Russia, this topic is of special, strategically important interest, since the country has a great potential for increasing agricultural production. The study of the development of the Russian agrarian sector using cyclist theory made it possible to identify certain patterns and substantiate the prospects for the further development of the Russian economy on the basis of the outstripping development of agricultural production and related industries. Agricultural science, high technologies, active innovative activities are the initial driving force of agricultural production in solving the main tasks of ensuring food security. The competent use of the advantages arising during the transformation of the world food market would give Russia the opportunity to become one of the key players in the international agrarian arena.
Keywords: agriculture, food market, food security, economic cycles.
Author Details: N.К. Мazitov, D. Sc. (Tech.), corresponding member of the RAS (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); R.L. Sakhapov, D.Sc. (Tech.), head of department (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); S.G. Absalyamova, Cаnd. Sc. (Econ.), assoc. prof. (е-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).
For citation: Mazitov N.K., Sakhapov R.L., Absalyamova S.G. Energy and Food Confrontation as a Driver for the Growth of Russian Economy. Dostizheniya nauki i tehniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 11. Pp. 97-100 (in Russ.).