O.A. Yusova
Siberian Research Agricultural Institute, prosp. Koroleva, 26, Omsk, 644012, Russian Federation
Abstract. This paper presents the evaluation of oat varieties, included in the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation, and new promising oat varieties according to their main grain quality indices for the period from 2011 to 2015 under conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia. The following oat varieties were evaluated: the varieties listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation – chaffy varieties Orion (standard), Irtysh 13, Irtysh 21, Irtysh 23, Tarsky 2, Pamyati Bogachkova and Skakun; hulless oat varieties – Sibirsky Golozerniy (standard), Progress and Levsha; new promising varieties – Fakel and Sibirsky Gerkules. The most favorable conditions for formation of good protein content in grain were in 2012 (13.21 %), starch content – in 2011 (52.11 %), crude fat – in 2011 and 2013 (5.56 % and 5.58 %), increased thousand-kernel weight – in 2011 (38.53 g), and crop yield – in 2011 and 2015 (5.04 and 5.46 t/ha). The hulless oat varieties exceeded chaffy varieties in grain protein content by 5.07 %, starch content – by 16.68 %, oil content – by 2.48 %, but yielded in thousand-kernel weight by 7.25 g and in crop yield by 1.63 t/ha. High response to improved environmental conditions and response stability (at bi more than 1, sigma2d less than 1) were revealed in the varieties in terms of the following indices (actual value): Orion – protein content (10.95 %); Irtysh 13 and Irtysh 21 – protein content (11.03 % and 11.39 %), crop yield (3.82 and 4.09 t/ha); Irtysh 23 – protein content (11.52 %), crude fat (4.19 %); Tarsky 2 – protein content (11.05 %), starch content (43.82 %), crude fat (4.57 %), crop yield (3.97 t/ha); Pamyati Bogachkova – crude fat (4.18 %), crop yield (4.14 t/ha); Fakel – protein content (11.48 %), crude fat (4.65 %), crop yield (3.89 t/ha); Sibirsky Gerkules – protein content (11.31 %), starch content (44.68 %), crude fat (4.86 %), crop yield (4.37 t/ha); Progress – crude fat (6.75 %); Levsha – crude fat (7.34 %), thousand-kernel weight (27.94 %).
Keywords: variety, protein, fat, crop yield, environmental condition index, variation coefficient, linear regression coefficient.
Author Details: O.A. Yusova, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow (е-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.).
For citation: Yusova O.A.Oat Grain Quality under Conditions of the Southern Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 12. Pp. 32-35 (in Russ.).