M.M. Nafikov, N.M. Yakushkin, A.R. Nigmatzyanov, V.Y. Petrova, R.F. Saifutdinov, R.A. Mingazov
Tatar Institute of Professional Development in Agribusiness, ul. Orenburgskii trakt, 8, Kazan’, 420059, Russian Federation
Abstract. Under conditions of aridization of climate, it becomes necessary to search for new crops capable of forming stable yields. In this respect, sugar sorghum deserves attention. Studies to determine the optimal methods of sowing and seeding rates for sugar sorghum ‘Volzhskoye 51’ were carried out in 2014–2016 on an experimental field in the trans-Kama region. The soil of the experimental plot was leached chernozem (the humus content in the arable layer of soil was 5.8–6.1%, the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium by Chirikov was 132–135 and 174–178 mg/kg, respectively; pH(KCl) was 5.5–5.6). The experiment scheme provided the following options: seeding rates of 200, 300, 400 and 500 thousand germinated grains per 1 hectare; the methods of sowing were wide-row (70 cm between rows) and continuous (15 cm between rows). In wide-row crops, the field germination was somewhat higher than in the case of continuous crops, especially in the variant with a seeding rate of 200,000 seeds/ha. In both the continuous and the wide-row seeding method, the minimum number of weeds in the experiment for shoots and before harvesting was noted in the variant with a seeding rate of 500,000 pcs/ha, respectively, 24 and 14 pcs/m2 and 19 and 11 pcs/m2. With continuous sowing, the highest yield of 47.5 t/ha was noted in the variant with a norm of 500 thousand seeds/ha; and in the case of wide-row sowing with row-spacing of 70 cm – at the rate of 300 thousand pieces (50.7 t/ha). Similar results were observed for the harvest of dry matter: 11.4 t/ha at the rate of 500,000 seed/ha in the case of the continuous sowing and 10.5 t/ha with the row spacing of 70 cm at the norm of sowing of 300,000 seeds/ha. The maximum coefficient of energy efficiency in continuous seeding was noted in the variant with the norm of 500 thousand pcs/ha – 9.1, while for wide-row at the rate of 300,000 pcs/ha – 9.8.
Keywords: sweet sorghum; sowing methods; seeding rate; weed infestation; yield; energy efficiency.
Author Details: M.M. Nafikov, D. Sc. (Agr.), prof.; N.M. Yakushkin, D. Sc. (Econ.), rector; A.R. Nigmatzyanov, senior lecturer (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V.Y. Petrova, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), assoc. prof.; R.F. Saifutdinov, post graduate student; R.A. Mingazov, post graduate student.
For citation: Nafikov M.M., Yakushkin N.M., Nigmatzyanov A.R., Petrova V.Y., Saifutdinov R.F., Mingazov R.A. Productivity of Sugar Sorghum Depending on Sowing Method and Seeding Rate. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2017. Vol. 31. No. 12. Pp. 36-39 (in Russ.).