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Adaptive potential of wheat varieties (winter, common and durum spring wheat) selected in the Omsk Agricultural Scientific Centre


M. G. Evdokimov, I. A. Belan, V. S. Yusov, A. N. Kovtunenko, L. P. Rosseeva
Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center, prosp. Koroleva, 26, Omsk, 644012, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to assess the adaptability of varieties of common winter wheat, common spring wheat, and durum spring wheat in the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region to select the best genotypes. In 2015–2019 we conducted competitive variety testing. We tested 10 varieties of durum wheat, 11 varieties of common winter wheat, and 31 varieties of common spring wheat. Sowing period for common and durum spring wheat lasted from May 14 to May 16; for common winter wheat, it was the 3rd decade of August. The sowing rate was 4.5 million germinating seeds per hectare and 5.0 million germinating seeds per hectare, respectively. The forecrop was bare fallow; for winter crops it was coulisse fallow with mustard. The average yield of durum wheat over the years of the study was 4.08 t/ha; the average yield of winter wheat was 4.47 t/ha; for spring common wheat the productivity was 2.77 t/ha. In terms of grain yield, we selected varieties of durum wheat Omsky Izumrud, Omsky Korall (4.63–4.68 t/ha), Priirtyshskaya 2 variety of winter wheat (5.01 t/ha), varieties of common spring wheat Boevchanka, Kazanskaya Jubileynaya, Omskaya 38, Uralosibirskaya 2, and Omskaya 35 (3.17–3.56 t/ha). The positive response to the improvement of cultivation conditions and stable productivity were registered for varieties Omsky Izumrud, line 24/16, Boyevchanka, Kazanskaya Jubileynaya, Omskaya 35, Uralosibirskaya, and Uralosibirskaya 2. High grain unit value was noted for varieties of durum wheat Omskaya Stepnaya, Omsky Izumrud, and hordeiforme 09-68-11 (793–796 g/L); Priirtyshskaya variety of winter wheat, lines 24/16 and 25/16 (785–790 g/L); varieties of common spring wheat Katyusha, Sigma, and Omskaya 30 (702–730 g/L). Omsky Korund, Omsky Tsirkon, Omskaya Biryuza, line 43/16, Omskaya 12, and Omskaya 19 combined high plasticity and stable grain unit. High protein (14.66–16.51%) and gluten content (28.4–33.9%) in grain was registered for varieties Omskaya Yantarnaya, Omskaya Stepnaya, Priirtyshskaya, line 24/16, Boevchanka, Omskaya 38, Sigma, Uralosibirskaya 2, and Omskaya 42. The grain quality traits of Omsky Korund, Zhemchuzhina Sibiri, Omskaya Stepnaya, Omsky Izumrud, Priirtyshskaya, lines 24/16, 26/16, Omskaya 12, Omskaya 32, Omskaya 19, Omskaya 33, Kazanskaya Jubileynaya, Uralosibirskaya, Melodiya, and Omskaya 42 varieties were stable.

Keywords: durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.); winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); variety; yield; grain quality; plasticity; stability..

Author Details: M. G. Evdokimov, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); I. A. Belan, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of laboratory; V. S. Yusov, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of laboratory; A. N. Kovtunenko, head of laboratory; L. P. Rosseeva, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow.

For citation: Evdokimov MG, Belan IA, Yusov VS, et al. [Adaptive potential of wheat varieties (winter, common and durum spring wheat) selected in the Omsk Agricultural Scientific Centre]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(10):9-15. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-11001.