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The effectiveness of a new copper-containing fungicide against the causative agent of potato late blight


S. N. Nekoval, A. V. Belyaeva, A. E. Sadovaya, I. S. Fedoryanskaya
Federal Research Center of Biological Plant Protection, Krasnodar, p/o39, 350039, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the studies was to assess the effectiveness of a new copper-containing fungicide against the causative agent of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans Mont. De Bary). The work was performed in 2018–2019 in the Krasnodar Territory. The soil was deep leached heavy loamy chernozem with a humus content in the arable soil horizon of 4.0%. The object of the studies was the susceptible potato variety Adretta. The effectiveness of Blue Shield 20, WDG (308 g/kg of copper hydroxide) at two rates of application (1.0 kg/ha, 2.0 kg/ha) was evaluated in comparison with the control (without treatments) and the standard – Kumir fungicide, SC (345 g/L of tribasic copper sulfate) with an application rate of 5 L/ha. During the growing season, leaves were treated three times with an interval of 7 days. The treatment of potato plants with Blue Shield 20, WDG at the rates of 1.0 kg/ha and 2.0 kg/ha in 2018 restrained the spread of late blight by 9.5–11.4%; its development was restrained more than 3 times; in 2019 the disease spread almost 2 times slower than in the control and developed more than 4 times slower in all options of the experiment with the use of fungicides. The least damage to potato tubers by late blight was noted in the option with the treatment with the fungicide Blue Shield 20, WDG at the rate of 2.0 kg/ha that was 65.9% lower than in the control. The highest yield increase was registered in the option with the treatments with the fungicide Blue Shield 20, WDG at the rate of 2.0 kg/ha. The increase averaged 700 g/bush and 690 g/bush over the years of the study, while in the option with Kumir, SC standard it was less by 250 g/bush and 80 g/bush, respectively.

Keywords: potato (Solanum tuberosum L.); late blight (Phytophthora infestans); spread; development; Blue Shield; biological efficiency; economic efficiency.

Author Details: S. N. Nekoval, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), head of laboratory (e-mail: s.nekoval@yandex.ru); A. V. Belyaeva, research fellow (e-mail: belyaeva.anast93@list.ru); A. E. Sadovaya, junior research fellow (e-mail: nl18081996@yandex.ru), I. S. Fedoryanskaya, junior research fellow (e-mail: fed.iri22@yandex.ru).

For citation: Nekoval SN, Belyaeva AV, Sadovaya AE, et al. [The effectiveness of a new copper-containing fungicide against the causative agent of potato late blight]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020; 34 (11):48-52. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-11107.