N. N. Voshedsky, V. A. Kulygin
Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center, ul. Institutskaya, 1, pos. Rassvet, Aksaiskii r-n, Rostovskaya obl., 346735, Russian Federation
Abstract. The study aimed to identify the optimal combination of primary tillage method, fertilizing background, and seeding rate as the factors contributing to an increase in the yield of lentils under the soil and climatic conditions of the Cis-Azov zone, the Rostov region. The work was performed by conventional methods on ordinary chernozems in 2018–2020 in the Rostov region. The design of the experiment involved the study of the following treatments: primary tillage method (factor A) – ploughing, combined tillage, disking; seeding rate (factor B) – 1.4, 1.8, and 2.2 million seeds/ha; fertilizing background (factor C) – without fertilizers (0); medium (N15P40K40); high (N30P80K80). The highest yield of Donskaya lentil variety (1.86–1.90 t/ha) was obtained against the background of ploughing and combined primary tillage, the seeding rate of 2.2 million seeds/ha, and background of mineral fertilizers of N30P80K80. The seeding rate of 2.2 million seeds/ha provided the highest crop productivity with all primary tillage methods and nutritional backgrounds. Decreasing it to 1.8 million seeds/ha with different primary tillage methods against the background of N30P80K80 led to a decrease in lentil yield by 0.07–0.17 t/ha, or 8.5–9.1%. The background of fertilizers of N15Р40K40 provided an increase in the yield of crop seeds compared to the option without fertilizers at all seeding rates for ploughing by 23.2–26.7%, for combined tillage by 25.0–26.2%, and for disking by 15.1–18.1%. With the introduction of N30P80K80, an increase in the yield for ploughing reached 40.0–45.0%; for combined tillage, it reached 38.1–43.1%; for disking, it reached 27.9–33.0%. The greatest effectiveness of the fertilizers was noted at the medium level of their application, ploughing or combined primary tillage, and a seeding rate of 2.2 million seeds/ha. In this case, we registered 3.58–3.68 kg of additional production per 1 kg of applied NPK. Under conditions of resource scarcity, it is advisable to use resource-saving combined tillage methods and use nutrition (N15P40K40) at a medium level. This will reduce energy costs and increase the return on fertilizers.
Keywords: lentils (Lens culinaris L.); tillage method; seeding rate; fertilizing background; yield; increase; payback.
Author Details: N. N. Voshedsky, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), head of laboratory (е-mail: dzni-szr@mail.ru); V. A. Kulygin, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), leading research fellow.
For citation: Voshedsky NN, Kulygin VA [Influence of tillage technology elements on the lentils yield under dryland conditions of the Rostov region]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(11):43-7. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-11106.