V.P. Ponazhev
Federal Scientific Center of Bast-Fiber Crops Breeding, ul. Lunacharskogo, 35, Torzhok, Tverskaya obl., 172002, Russian Federation
Abstract. The studies were conducted in the Tver region. The purpose was to develop more advanced methods of creating original seeds of fiber flax based on the selection of plants according to the main characteristics – seed weight and subsequent seed reproduction. We revealed significant heterogeneity of selected fiber flax plants by seed weight. The optimal value of this indicator was 4.5–5.4 mg. Initial morphological testing followed by removal of plants with a seed weight of less than 4.5 mg and more than 5.4 mg increased the output of the original material, compared to the control option, 3.8–4.4 times. Selection of plants by seed weight ensured better plant uniformity in height and fiber content in the stem, which was characterized by a variation coefficient of 5.2% and 4.2%, respectively, versus 5.6% and 4.9% in the control. Sowing with a row spacing of 6.25 cm is most effective in the further reproduction of the original seeds of fiber flax until the elite seeds of the 2nd year are obtained. Compared to the wide-row (22.5 cm) method, it provided an increase in seed yield of 0.23–0.30 t/ha, or 21.9–30.9% while maintaining high sowing and varietal standards. In all options of narrow-row sowing of fiber flax, the morphophysiological parameters of seeds were the same. In all the cases of using the wide-row method, the length of seedlings decreased by 8.2–11.0% in the nursery-gardens for elite plants of the 1st and 2nd years. The sowing method had the greatest influence on the formation of the yield of original seeds (76.1%). The share of reproduction influence was insignificant (10.0%).
Keywords: fiber flax (Linum usitatissimum L.); plant; seeds; method; reproduction; sowing.
Author Details: V. P. Ponazhev, D. Sc. (Agr.), chief research fellow (e-mail: info.trk@fnclk.ru).
For citation: Ponazhev VP [The influence of methods of creating original fiber flax seeds on their yield and quality]. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2020;34(4):46-9. Russian. doi: 10.24411/0235-2451-2020-10409.