Достижения науки и техники АПК

Теоретический и научно-практический журнал




L.V. Tyu, D.V. Shapovalov, V.A. Stremnin

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Summary. Shows a methodical approach to the definition of investment needs for the development of technical base of agriculture, taking into account the differentiated machine equip farms with different levels of production. To justify the need for investment in machinery and equipment for dairy farming agricultural organizations Siberia divided into groups of varying annual milk yields . The forecast of dynamics of redistribution of farms in these groups in line with the growth of milk production animals. Defined volume of investments for retrofitting of dairy farming in Siberia based on a forecast of growth of livestock until 2020 it amounted to 2.1 billion rub. The volume of investments for the period in equipping technical base livestock beef cattle to increase by around 3 billion rubles. The results of calculations to determine the investment needs for the purchase of equipment for crop Siberia considering involvement in the trafficking of additional arable land by 2020 at a rate of about 300 hectares. During the period 2014-2020 technical basis for the development of crop need 127 billion rubles. Calculation of investment needs for the development of technical base of agriculture in the region, based on a differential engine equipping households with different levels of production, enables quick and easy to update forecasts capital expenditure for the purchase of equipment, correct technical policy and save money.

Keywords: agriculture, investments, technical base, groups of farms, differentiated equipment.