O.V. Matushkina, I.N. Pronina, L.V. Yarmolenko, S.A. Matushkin
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Summary. A regenerative ability of apple and pear clonal rootstocks, raspberry, black currant and gooseberry cultivars has been estimated in comparative studies in vitro of on media with a various mineral composition (Murasige-Skog, Quoirin-Lepoivre, Lee-Fossard, Gambourg). Quoirin-Lepoivre medium is considered to be an efficient one for apple and pear introduction in vitro as in three months of culturing the number of explants suitable for cloning has been 1,5-4,5 times as much as on Murasige-Skog medium. Both Quoirin-Lepoivre and Murasige-Skog media can be used at the proliferation stage. Quoirin-Lepoivre medium is also optimum for raspberry and gooseberry multiplication. The coefficients of propagation of raspberry and gooseberry cultivars 1,2-3,4 and 1,2-2,9 fold exceed the values obtained in other treatments. Maximum regenerative ability of black currant is observed on Lee-Fossard medium with a propagation coefficient varying from 4,2 (Snezhnaya koroleva) up to 9,5 pieces per explant (Shalunya).
Keywords: apple, pear, raspberry, black currant, gooseberry, in vitro, regeneration, embedding, micropropagation.