I.A. Yapparov, N.P. Kirillov, D.A. Yapparov
Tatar research Institute of agricultural chemistry and soil science of Russian Academy of agricultural Sciences
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Summary. Studies were conducted to explore and demonstrate the feasibility of using young rabbits for fattening farm rations of forage grain mixture with the addition of protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate in an amount of 30 and 35%, instead of expensive polnoratcionnyh granular feed. As a result of scientific and economic experiments carried out using standard production records and calculating feed costs, obtained evidence of significantly positive effect of the feed additive protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate in the diet of young rabbits.In particular, the increase in live weight is set to 6.3-7.0%. Largest average daily live weight gain experimental groups of rabbits treated with diet and economic feed additive protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate, superior to their peers in the control group on 12,4-15,1%. Lowest feed intake was observed in fattening young rabbits fed a dietgrain mixture of 65% forage and 35% protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate, which was lower than the control at 6.6% analogs. Greatest mass pair of rabbits carcasses had the experimental group receiving the diet to the economic 30% protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate. The same group also noted the highest yield of slaughter weight of fattening young rabbits – 52.8%. The least amount of feed costs for education 1 kg of live weight gain was young rabbits in the animals treated with full-granulated feed, and young, receive zernosmes forage supplemented with protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate in an amount of 30 and 35%. Animals of these groups on the formation of 1 kg of live weight gain spent less feed 18.2, 23.8 and 18.5%, respectively, compared with control peers.
Keywords: young fattening rabbits, feed supplement, protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate, live weight, feed consumption.