T.M. Shmatova, Yu. A. Zubarev
Research Institute on Horticulture in Sibiria named after M.A. Lisavenko of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences
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Summary. Seabuckthorn cuttings and root development have been estimated at different cultivation conditions. Investigation has been conducted in conventional greenhouses – completely covered by folia and partially covered. It provided different temperature conditions. Three seabuckthorn varieties – Avgustina, Altaiskaya and Elizaveta with different initial length of cuttings were considered as objects. It was found out that in conventional greenhouse plant growth have two stages: first – in several few days after planting, second – within one month. In partially covered greenhouse plants growth is slower and without any peaks. Total additional length significantly higher in conventional greenhouse in comparison with partially covered. At conventional conditions mean additional length of Elizabeth variety (with initial length of 40 cm) recorded as 13,7 and 9,2 cm in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Beginning of root development has been observed in conventional greenhouse in a few days earlier in comparison with partially covered. Secondary roots formation and complete maturing of root system are the same in both conditions. It requires 75…78 days for complete maturing of roots.
Keywords: seabuckthorn, green cuttings, greenhouses, root development, plant material.