L.V. Plekhanova
Krasnoyarsk Research Institute of an Agriculture of Russian Academy of Agriculture, Russia, Krasnoyarsk city, Svobodny highway, build. 66
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Summary. The aim of the investigation was to determine the possibility of using of barley and oats in the mixture with soft wheat for bread baking. In the experiment it was determined several physical and chemical characteristics of barley grains (bare-grained cultivar Oskar and chaffy one Acha) and oats grains (bare-grained cultivar Golets and chaffy one Tubinsky), and also the possibility of its utilization for bread baking in combination with soft wheat (cultivar Novosibirskaya 29). There were the next variants of mixture in the experiment plan: wheat flour 100 %; wheat flour 90 % + oats (barley) flour 10 %; wheat flour 75 % + oats (barley) flour 25 %; wheat flour 50 % + oats (barley) flour 50 %; oats (barley) flour 100 %. The protein content in grain of bare-grain oats is higher than of chaffy one by 4.55 %, and the husk content is 25.5 % lower. Difference in these indices between bare-grain and chaffy barley was 3.0 and 7.5 % correspondingly. According to the results of baking estimation the best parameters of the final product are obtained with addition of 10 % of oats or barley flour in comparison with other variants. In this case the organoleptic estimation of the surface and color of crust, porosity and elasticity of such bread do not inferior the production made from pure wheat flour. An increase in portion of oats and barley flour up to 25 % and more worsens the quality of production.
Keywords: wheat, hull-less forms, barley, oats, grade, grain quality, baking score.