T.N. Ryabova, V.G. Kolesnikova, I. Sh. Fatykhov
Izhevsk State Agrarian Academy, Studencheskaya Str., 11, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia
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Summary. Researches on identifying the reaction of oat varieties on abiotic conditions were performed according to the state variety testing in Udmurt Republic in 2010-2013. Meteorological conditions of the vegetative periods of the years of research were different both in temperature conditions and amount of precipitation. Soil of testing fields – sod-podzolic with different characteristics on particle size and light-gray forest loamy with arable layer differ on the treatment: humus content – medium to high (2,1-2,6%), mobile phosphorus – from high to very high (101-251 mg-kg of soil), exchange potassium – from medium to very high (100-300 mg-kg of soil). The productivity of oatvarieties included in the state register of selection achievements and approved for use in the Udmurt Republicwere analyzed. It is established that the change in the grain yield of oat varieties at 89,1-99,2% depends on the influence of abiotic factors. Relatively more favourable abiotic conditions for Uvinskoye (Ij=7,5-9,6), Sarapulskoye (Ij=10,5-14,8) and Mozhginskoye (Ij=0,8-24,3) testing fields were in 2011 and 2012, for Bolezinskoye (Ij=10,5-16,6) – in 2010 and 2011, Glazovskoye (Ij=1,5-20,4) – in 2010 and 2013. On the basis of the conducted research according to the yield of oat varieties at the tsting fields of Udmurt Republic varieties Konkur and Jacov were singled out. They had relatively higher (25,6-34,2 and 25,9-36,1 kg-ha respectively) average yield. Vaiety Konkur has higher plasticity (0,97-1,00) at all testing fields exept Mozhginskoye and higher stability (0,15-3,26) in the northern and southern agro-climatic regions of the Udmurt Republic. Also high plasticity (0,92-1,01) at Bolezinskoye and Mozhginskoye testing fields and stability(0,03-0,99) – at Mozhginskoye, comparatively high stress resistance (19,2-23,4 quintal-ha) – at Uvinskoye have varieties Ulov and Galop.
Keywords: oats, grade, state cartoceto, yield, variation, ecological plasticity, stability, adaptability.
Author Details: T.N. Ryabova, Сand. Agricultural Sci., Associate Prof. (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); V.G. Kolesnikova, Сand. Agricultural Sci., Associate Prof.; I.Sh. Fatukhov, Dr. Agricultural Sci., Prof.
For citation: Ryabova T.N., Kolesnikova V.G., Fatukhov I.Sh. Ecological placticity and yield stability of oat varieties in the Middle Predural’e // Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2014. T.28. №11. pp. 31-33 (In Russ) (In Russ)